Professor Muhammed Said, Islamic Scholar
What did Muhammed Nur, Mayor of Mogadishu, Governor of Benadir Region, Somalia say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
What did Faduma Muhammed, Executive Director of Labour Community Services, Canada say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
The hidden treatise by the famous Russian writer about the Prophet Muhammed (SAAS)
Astronomy News –Cosmic Dust
Excerpt from his Highness Sheikh Nazim al-Haqqani's conversation about Mr. Adnan Oktar (January, 2010)
God gives blessings to human beings
The prayers of the Prophet (saas) in the hadith
The Prophet (saas) always prayed to God for forgiveness
The secret imparted at the 33rd degree
Knowing what you see
What the Prophet (saas) liked to drink?
Uniting against the threat of radicalism
Live Conversation of Mr. Adnan Oktar with Rabbi Avraham Sherman, Rabbi Jeffrey Seidel and Priest Todd William Kissam (June 7, 2017)
Dr. Fazale Rana Talks About The Invalidity of The Miller-Urey Experiment
Creation Museum - Teeth of elephant
The Prophet's (saas) pleasing scent
Dr. David Snoke Explains How General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics Are Not Compatible
The Angels who visited Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
The design of sperm
The names of Allah: Rabb Al-'Alimeen (Lord of the worlds)
What should we do when our faith is at odds with our reasoning?
The names of Allah: Al Baqi (The Lasting, the Immortal)
The world of plants
Dr. Anjeanette Roberts: Could the Immune System Have Come about Gradually