Dr. Abdessamad Errida, High Academic Professor, Morocco
Dr. Omar Amkassou, Member of the Al Adl Wal Ihsane in Morocco
Aissa Mkiki, Deputy Parliamentary in the Kingdom of Morocco
Dr. Anjeanette Roberts on the Harmony of Science and Faith
Dr. Anjeanette Roberts: God Is the Author of Nature
Dr. Abdelhamid Hamdi, from Tunis
Dr. Surood Najib Ambassador of Iraq in Austria
Dr. Jeff Zweerink: What is the significance of this conference?
Dr. Jihad Azour, Booz&Company – Lebanon
Dr. Daud Abdullah, Director of the Middle East Monitor, London
Dr Abdullah Almuzavizk
Dr. Oktar Babuna, Neurosurgeon
Dr. Anjeanette Roberts: It is Amazing Learning About Viruses
Dr. Fazale Rana Talks About Irreducibly Complex Systems
Dr. Richard Hellman - Founder of CIPAC / USA
Prof . Dr. Thomas Gries Makrookonom University of Paderborn
Dr. Fazale Rana's Comments on the Idea of Theistic Evolution
Dr. Hugh Ross, Answers the Question "Is Earth a Privileged Planet for Life?"
Prof. Dr. Mazllum Baraliu, Rector of the University of Prizren, Kosovo
Dr. Fabrizio Fratus:”What do you think about the collaboration of Christians and Muslims
Dr. Paul Jacob Bhatti, Former Minister of National Harmony and Minority Affairs of Pakistan
Prof. Dr. Bekir Karlığa, T.R. Chief Advisor to the Pirime Minister
Dr. Carlo Alberto Cossano: Can coincidences or randomness explain the origin of life?
Dr. Fazale Rana Explains The Complexity of Photosynthetic Bacteria
Dr. Fazale Rana: "Darwinism Has Inhibited Scientific Discovery"