The fact evolutionists seen to conceal
A corruption of smoke and dust will be seen before the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as)
Plants that fire off their seeds
Dr. Daud Abdullah, Director of the Middle East Monitor, London
The slow moving fire that will illuminate the necks of the camels described in the hadiths refers to the oil wells in the middle east
Haaretz Middle East Affairs Analyst, Dr. Zvi Barel
The health that comes from faith
Oceans are a gift from Allah
Various images documenting the terrible persecution taking place in East Turkestan -5-
Dr. Abdelhamid Hamdi, from Tunis
What we have learnt from animals
Following events from the future
The hand that will extend from the sky
Various images documenting the terrible persecution taking place in East Turkestan -4-
The name of the new danger in the Middle East : ISIL
Patriarch Dinkha IV - Assyrian Church of the East
God is He who creates from nothing
Islam brought peace and tranquility to the middle east
The Evolutionist Forgery; Composing an imaginary man from a sow
The Prophet (saas) prayed in the awareness that knowledge comes from God
The joy of having been saved from the fire
A turning away from moral virtues
With Our Guests from the Science World-4
Jewish Human Rights on the Temple Mount from an Islamic perspective
The Middle East needs love and unity more than ever