The world of science has been misled for 30 years
Our Guests at the Museum of Turkish Jews
Portents of the judgement day from the words of our Prophet (saas)
Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Conversation with His Guests from Israel and Abroad
Can Destiny be Explained by Science?
The external world inside our brain
Dr. Fabrizio Fratus: Anyone who claims that Darwin's theory is not true is removed from the academic world
Fossil Hunter 4 Conference
The world in dreams
Mr. Adnan Oktar's conversation with his guests from Jordan and Palestine (22 May 2018)
Islam: The source of modern sciences
Was our prophet shown paradise in this world
Kenneth Keathley: Science Helps Us Understand God’s Creation
The natural sciences confirm the fact of creation
Dr. Jeff Zweerink: Science and Religion Are Compatible - Astrophysicist
The world is a testing place
The health that comes from faith
Dr Ibrahim Shogar, International Islamic University Malaysia - Islamic Philosophy of Science
The life of this world is transitory
The bright future awaiting the world
The intestines: The exit from the mill
Stratagems eployed in the Islamic world
Following events from the future
Living fossils: Proofs of creation 4
Our Prophet (saas) said that the life span of the world was 7,000 years, of which 5,600 had already passed