Samir Jaradat, Chief Executive Officer at Securities Depository Center, Jordan
Hafed Al-Ghwell, Advisor to the Dean of the Board of Directors & The Executive Director - World Bank Group
Mohamed Rafique, Chief Executive Officer of SFRD, Sri Lanka speaks for A9 TV
Dr. Fazl ul Hadi Wazeen, Member of Supreme Council, Assistant Professor at the International Islamic University, Afghanistan
Wadah Khanfar, President of Al Sharq Forum, Former Director General of the Al Jazeera Network, Quatar
Mark C. Donfried - Executive Director and Founder of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy
Rumi Institute, Cyprus Roderick Griergson
Executive Director of Egyptain National Competitiveness Council, Amine Ghanem
Rabbi Yakov D. Cohen, Founder and Director, Institute of Noahide Code & Rabbi Ben Tzion Krasnianski, Executive Director, Chabad Lubavitch Upper East Side
Idriss Benarafa, Editor Chief the Moroccan Times
Suraya Pakzad, Executive Director of Voice of Women Organization, Afghanistan
Former State Secretary in the Foreign Office Germany, Jürgen Chrobog
Perished nations: Earlier generations
Na’eem Jeenah, Executive Director of AMEC, South Africa
His Eminence Sultan Muhammad Saad Abubakar, Sultan of Sokoto, Nigeria; President-General of the Nigerian National Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA)
Libyan Turkish Business Council, Dr. Shaban Almountasar
Hazrat Mahdi's (as) general appearance
Dr. Asmat Mojaddedi, Chairman of the Muslim Council in Denmark
Chief Of Staff Of Iran's Armed Forces, Major General Sayyid Hassan Firouzabadi Is Presenting His Appreciation Of The Book ''The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) And Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) Will Come This Century''
Ted Whiteside, Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy at Nato
Dhiaa N. Al-Asadi, Member of the Parliament Iraq
Ibrahim Fauzee, Director of Islamic Foundation of Maldives
Phil Eskeland, Executive Director of Operations & Policy, Korea Economic Institute of America
Prof. Eytan Gilboa, Director of School of Communication and Director of Center for Int. Communication, Bar-Ilan Uni.