From "The Prophet Muhammad (saas)" documentary
Muslims' attitude toward The People of The Book
Muslims and People of the Book should unite against antichritianism
God is He who creates from nothing
Mr Adnan Oktar's Views On The People Of The Book 1
A call for an Islamic Union
American teacher and businessman, Ron Mastro, explains how he embraced Islam through Harun Yahya books
His Highness Sheikh Nazim Qubrusi's Latest Statements about Mr. Adnan Oktar, Whom He Calls His "Spiritual (Manawi) Son"
A call to reason
Alliance of Islam with the People of the Book
How does faith settle in the hearth?
Hypocrites are similar to "a donkey carrying books"
Luca Steinmann Talks about Italian People’s Standpoint Regarding Belief in God
Armenians are the People of the Book and our brothers
The basic of proper moral values faith
Adnan Oktar's Message for 'A Call for Unity' at the Times Square in New York
Hazrat Mahdi (as) is not a tyrant; he is a spiritual leader inviting people to love and goodness
God Bestows Prophethood upon Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
Where does calling others by offensive nicknames stand in the Qur'an?
The tranquility The People of The Book experienced under Muslim rule
What we have learnt from animals
The health that comes from faith
Causation’ is an artistry of God
Outbook of Islam on the People of the Book
God is the first; He existed before everything