From "The Prophet Muhammad (saas)" documentary
Muslims and People of the Book should unite against antichritianism
Adnan Oktar's call to the People of the Book let us rally to a common formula that is we worship none but Allah
They have won the favour of God
God is He who provides without limit
Armenians are the People of the Book and our brothers
Turkish Islamic Union will bring happiness and freedom to the People of the Book as well
The Superior Characteristics of the Followers of Hazrat Mahdi (as) and Hazrat Mahdi's (as) Followers Will Have a Powerful Faith - 3 -
The Prophet Noah (pbuh) calls his people to religion
Thousands of young Dutch people have converted to Islam
The Books alleged to be written by Mawlana advocate evolution, opposing the fact that everything is created by God
Common beliefs and values of Muslims and the People of the Book
People have to go through the test in this world in order to be happy in paradise
A call to proper moral from the old and new testaments
Where does calling others by offensive nicknames stand in the Qur'an?
He who obeys the Prophet (saas) also obeys God
A call to reason
God does what He wills
God is the first; He existed before everything
Causation’ is an artistry of God
What we have learnt from animals
The names of Allah: Al Mughnee (He Who Bestows Wealth on Whom He Pleases)
Devout Jews believe with complete faith in the coming of the Mashiach (Messiah)
A call for an Islamic Union
Dr. Anjeanette Roberts on the Harmony of Science and Faith