From "Adnan Oktar tells: Paradise (3)" documentary
The world is a testing place
Turkish Islamic Union will bring happiness and freedom to the People of the Book as well
The mutual love of the people of paradise
Our Prophet's intercession for the people of paradise on the day of reckoning
Never forget the world is a temporary place of test
Prophet Abraham’s (pbuh) Test
Marriage in paradise
Prophet Abraham's (pbuh) test
Being tested by the loss of wealth
The order of the heavens
Shadows created in order for us to see
The Order of The Heavens
Does living one's life in line with the Qur'an bring happiness?
Counter bigotry through knowledge and wisdom
Direct causes will be done away with in paradise
Human beauty in paradise
Wealth in paradise
Believers will constantly remember Allah in paradise
The secret of the test
In paradise all desires are fulfilled
Paradise and hell are also created from nothing
Are there different paradises?
Everything is conscious in paradise even objects
The life of this world is transitory
Eternal life and yount in paradise