From "Mr. Adnan Oktar's views on the People of the Book 2" documentary
Common beliefs and values of Muslims and the People of the Book
How Does Adnan Oktar Write so Many Books?
How should be the outlook of Muslims to the People of the Book
Outbook of Islam on the People of the Book
Lets think again
Adnan Oktar's Book 'Islam Denounces Terrorism' on Swiss RSI TV Channel - Agu 2017
Let our voice be heard by the Rohingya
Rabbi Adlerstein’s response to the question; How can we raise awareness about the commonality of the three divine religions?
The Prophet Noah (pbuh) calls his people to religion
The Views of Sheikh Abdul Wahid Pedersen from Denmark, Regarding Mr. Adnan Oktar and His Books.
The heart finds peace by calling on Allah
Armenians are the People of the Book and our brothers
Dr. Bernard Brandstater: Music Is a Gift of God, It Is a Way to Celebrate, It Is a Way to Worship
A call to proper moral from the old and new testaments
Guests of Adnan Oktar
Prof. Douglas Geivetts Answers the Question "How Can We Lead People to Faith"
The Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) exemplary approach toward The People of The Book
The Prophet Muhammad's may Allah bless him and grant him peace exemplary conduct towards the People of the Book
Adnan Oktar, A Life Dedicated to God
Shadows created in order for us to see
Adnan Oktar's Message for 'A Call for Unity' at the Times Square in New York
Muslims' attitude toward The People of The Book
Adnan Oktar interviewed by Voice of Russia FM - 05.02.2018
Plants that use helicopters
Plants that use vessels