Mark Perry, Author, Historian, Journalist and Foreign Policy Analyst, Washington Dc.
Masonic organisation
Prof. Hassan Abbas, Professor of National Defense University - Washington DC & Asia Society's Advisor
His Eminence Husein ef. Kavazovic, Grand Mufti of Bosnia & Herzegovina
John Sitilides - Trilogy Advisors LLC. Washington Dc.
Harun Yahya videos at DC international book fair - India
Hassan Abbas, Professor of International Security Studies National Defense University, Washington Dc.
Shannon Longoria - USA
Conditions for joining the masons and what happens during the initiation rites
Chat Orbe – USA
Rabbi Avi Balser, USA
Deazia Anglin / Connecticut - USA
Masons bloody symbols
What did George Friden, General Director of Political Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg say for A9 and Turkish Islamic Union?
Journalist -USA, Stephen Kinzer
Mr. Joseph T.Kasaab, Executive Director Chaldean Federation of America
Harun Yahya USA Conferences
Prof. Dr. Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Iranian University Professor of Islamic Studies at George Washington University
Mr. Vahid and Mr. Brayn, USA
Prof. Anthony Bernard Pinn, Rice University - USA
Dr.Trita Parsi, Author, President of National Iranian American Council (NIAC), Teacher at the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University in Washington DC.
His Highness Sheikh Ahmad Yasin says: Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)'s portents have been realized.
The Number of People Converting to Islam in the USA Increases Consistently
John Hirling - Christ Presbyterian Church Minister / USA