Dr. Hugh Ross, Reasons to Believe
Dr Hugh Ross: Every Planet in Our Solar System Plays a Critical Role for Life
Dr. Hugh Ross: God Had a Purpose in Creating This Universe
Dr. Hugh Ross Talks about the Latest Discovery Which Proves the Universe Has a Beginning
Dr. Jeff Zweerink: “are There Any Other Planets like Earth in the Universe?”
The miracle planet - 2
Dr. Jeff Zweerink: Does It Mean That the Planet Supports Life, Is Water Found on Other Planets Usable?
Mr. Ayoub Kara answering a question at the joint press conference with Mr. Adnan Oktar (May 12nd, 2011, Istanbul)
The miracle planet - 1: Evidence for creation on earth
The location of the earth in the universe
Dr. Jeff Zweerink: Would There Be Life at All Without the Moon?
The earth will disgorge its charges
Answers from the Qur’an 2
Dr. Jeff Zweerink: Universe is Designed for Life - Astrophysicist
Answers from the Qur’an 1
The earth is protected every second
The miracles of the Qur'an: The earths geoid shape
Dr. Anjeanette Roberts’ Lecture During the Intl Conf. on the Origin of Life and the Universe Held by TBAV ( 24.08.2016 - Conrad)
Prophet Lot's (pbuh) life
Dr. Paolo Cioni’s Lecture During the International Conference on the Origin of Life and the Universe
A star that is the source of life: Sun
Rabbi Zion Cohen answering a question at the joint press conference with Mr. Adnan Oktar
The propulsive power of life: The heart
What will our life in heaven be like?
Prof. Douglas Geivetts Answers the Question "How Can We Lead People to Faith"