From "Magnificence everywhere" documentary
The Pharaoh buried under the waters 1
The Pharaoh buried under the waters 2
The marvelous water
Colors under the sea
The Earth is under the threat of meteors
Life in the Soil
The life of this world is transitory
The error in thinking that creation first from dust and then from water indicates evolutionary creation
Allah Keeps The Entire Universe And The Systems In It Under His Simultaneous Control
Dr. Jeff Zweerink: Does It Mean That the Planet Supports Life, Is Water Found on Other Planets Usable?
The life of Master Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
International Conference on the Origin of Life and the Universe
The propulsive power of life: The heart
The moral virtues displayed by believers in the life of this world
Lizard that walks on water: Basilisk
Forgiveness the secret of along life
A star that is the source of life: Sun
Poisonous creatures under the sea
Photosynthesis: The source of life
29 thousand Somali children under the age 5 died in 90 days
The universe created to be compatible with human life
The extraordinary characteristics of water
Gianni Picco, Former Under Secretary General to United Nations
Dr. Paolo Cioni’s Lecture During the International Conference on the Origin of Life and the Universe