Zuraida binti Kamaruddin, Member of the Parliament Malaysia
Nouzha Skalli - Former Moroccan Minister of Social Development, Family and Solidarity, Member of the Parliament, ICD Advisory Board Member
Mp Lia Quartapelle, Member of the Italian Parliament
Dr. Suzy Adli Nashed, Professor at Faculty of Law - Alaxandria University & Member of the Egyptian Parliament
Member of Parliament - Ukraine, Leonid Kojara
Maja Gasal Vrazalica,Member of Parliament of Bosnia Herzigovina
Teacher Anwar Mohammad Ghafour Mustafa, Former Member of Kurdistan Parliament Leader and Preacher of Arbil Mosque, Iraq
Hazrat Ali (r.a) (599 - 661)
Abdullah Ali Osman, USA
MP Marta Grande, Member of the Italian Parliament
Senator Ivana Simeoni, Member of the Italian Senate
Hazrat Ali (ra) (599 -661)
Erna Hennicot-Schoepges, Former Speaker of the Parliament of Luxemburg - Former Minister of Culture and Religious Affairs - Vice President of the ICD Advisory Board
Pierre Rene Hubert Marie van der Linden, Member of the Dutch Senate and Former President of the Dutch Senate
Dr. Fazl ul Hadi Wazeen, Member of Supreme Council, Assistant Professor at the International Islamic University, Afghanistan
Michal Tomasz Kaminski, European Conservatives and Reformists, Member of the Bureau
Mr. Fiorella Provera, Italian Member of the European Parliament, Vice-Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs
Ali Hasan Abunimah, Journalist, co-founder of Electronic Intifada, USA
Dr. Ali Asghar Saeidi, Social Prof. of Sociology and Sociology and Social Policy in the University of Tehran, Faculty of Social Sciences, Iran
General Moses Ali, First Deputy Prime Minister of Uganda
Prof. Dr. Hillel Nossek, Faculty member at the Kinneret College
Luc Van den Brande, Former Minister-President of Flanders-Belgium, Former President of the European Committee of the Regions, ICD Advisory Board Member
Mohamed Abdelsalam Mahmoud Elsanousy Freedom and Justice Party founder member - Fj General Committee member at luxor governate
Ali Sadun Engin live on Radio Ramadan Croydon, UK (August 25, 2011)
Mari Kiviniemi, Former Prime Minister of Finland - Member of the Parliament