Mp Lia Quartapelle, Member of the Italian Parliament
Mari Kiviniemi, Former Prime Minister of Finland - Member of the Parliament
Dr. AbedAllah Mahomoud Al Armody, Imam and Khatib, Iraq
Erna Hennicot-Schoepges, Former President of the Parliament of Luxembourg, Former Minister of Culture and Education, Former Member of the European Parliament
MP Marta Grande, Member of the Italian Parliament
Member of Parliament - Ukraine, Leonid Kojara
Mustafa Kamil Alfalahi, Political Analyst, Iraq
The reality of al Dabbat al-Ardh in the Qur’an and the hadiths
Dr. Ahmed Kbeasi, Sunni Muslims Leader in Iraq
The Victory of Kut Al Amara
Frank Gerstenschläger, Executive Board Member of Deutsche Börse, Germany
Nouzha Skalli - Former Moroccan Minister of Social Development, Family and Solidarity, Member of the Parliament, ICD Advisory Board Member
The names of Allah: Al-Haqq (The Truth)
The names of Allah: Al-Quddus (The Holy)
The Masjid Al Aqsa
Knesset Member Rabbi Nissim Zeev / Israel
The names of Allah: Al-'Afuw (The Pardoner)
The Al-Aqsa Mosque
The names of Allah: Al Baqi (The Lasting, the Immortal)
The Iran Iraq war is portent of the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (a.s)
Mahdy Mohammad Murshed Alhejra, a member of the teaching committee, San’aa University, Yemen
The names of Allah: Al-Haleem (The very Gentle)
Ahmed Al Mohammadi Almaghawry, a member. of International Union for the Muslim Scholars, writer and researcher in the Islamic Studies, Egypt
Dr. Helmy El Gazzar, Member of the Muslim Brotherhood & Member of the Freedom and Justice Party
Ali Soubaneh Atteyeh, Member of te Parliament Djibouti