Knesset Member Rabbi Nissim Zeev / Israel
Mohamed Abdelsalam Mahmoud Elsanousy Freedom and Justice Party founder member - Fj General Committee member at luxor governate
Sharren Haskel, Knesset Member
Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Conversation with Mr. Aaron Lerner [Member of the Israeli Likud Party, Central Committee] on A9 TV (Feb 7, 2012)
Dr. Helmy El Gazzar, Member of the Muslim Brotherhood & Member of the Freedom and Justice Party
Mr. Adnan Oktar's live conversation on A9 TV with Israeli Knesset Member Dr. Marina Solodkin (8 January 2012; 21:00)
Member of Parliament - Ukraine, Leonid Kojara
An Interview with Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein
Malaysia Islam Party, Dr. Said Adman
Jean Pierre Filiu, Faculty Member, France
Rabbi Yakov D. Cohen, Founder and Director, Institute of Noahide Code & Rabbi Ben Tzion Krasnianski, Executive Director, Chabad Lubavitch Upper East Side
Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz, Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun
Trent Franks - Congressman from Republican Party / USA
Mari Kiviniemi, Former Prime Minister of Finland - Member of the Parliament
The Hon. Wafik Moustafa, Founder and Chairman of the Conservative Arab Network
Mr. Adnan Oktar's live conversation with Knesset political adviser Prof. Avraham Diskin on A9 TV (3 January 2012)
Jack Gottlieb, Founder of World Jewish Heritage Fund
Deputy Head of Foreign Relation Division Prosperous Justice Party, Taufik Ramian Widjaja / Indonesia
Dr. Einat Wilf, Former Knesset Member, Senior Fellow at the Jewish People Policy Institute
Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Conversation with Rabbi Yeshayahu Hakohen Hollander and Rabbi Ben Abrahamson (January 11, 2018)
Mahdy Mohammad Murshed Alhejra, a member of the teaching committee, San’aa University, Yemen
MP Marta Grande, Member of the Italian Parliament
Rabbi Avi Balser, USA
M.A.M. Mansoor, The Founder President of Al Quran Open College (AOC), Sri Lanka