How does the salmon find its way to its birthplace? Watch this presentation to see the amazing journey of this fish. See that how every stage of this journey was inspired by God. The amazing Journey of the Salmon
Fossil - Museum
The spider: A design engineer
Animal World
Harun Yahya International Medya
Design in nature
Miracles of the Quran
Book Global
Design in polar bears
The Miracle of Light and Colour
End of times
Living fossils
Only Turkey Can Rescue the European Union (EU) from the Swamp of Materialism
The False World
The miracle in the leafcutter ant
Death Resurrection Hell
The miracle of the honeybee
Romanticism: a Weapon of Satan
For - Children
East Turkestan
There is No Compulsion in Islam
The miracles of the human body
Quran Denies Darwinism
The miracle of the ant
Islam Denounces Terrorism