While You Are Reading This, In Every Passing Second...8 million cells die in your body .8 million new cells are created instead of the ones that are dead.Each cell forms approximately 2000 proteins.
Biomimetics: Technology Imitates Nature
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The spider: A design engineer
Interfaith Union
Creation of universe
Every moment every second
Miracles of the Quran
Redemption of Jews
Dolphins and their miracle sonar system
Returning to Faith
Harun Yahya.com
Awaited Mahdi
Natural Selection and Darwinism
Harun Yahya International Medya
Bigotry: The Dark Danger
Creation of Man
Living - Fossils
Evidences of Creation
Only Turkey Can Rescue the European Union (EU) from the Swamp of Materialism
The amazing journey of the salmon
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Brother Country Iran
Ambers Deny Darwin