For several years, both in his interviews and in his writings, Mr. Adnan Oktar has said that PKK is a Marxist, Leninist, communist and Darwinist terror organization and that the real struggle of the PKK is against Islam. He's said that the best thing to do is an intellectual struggle against that bloody organization. The government has engaged in counter propaganda and has an anti- Darwinist, anti-materialist, anti-communist education. Thus, after Mr. Oktar’s explanations, a lot people from different groups talked about the real ideology of the PKK. In a TV program, Yasin Aktay from the AK Party said that the PKK is a Marxist, Stalinist terror organization, and it doesn’t allow ideas other than their own the right to exist. A9 TV: July 29th, 2014 ADNAN OKTAR: There is not an ordinary organization in front of us. There is a Marxist, Leninist, Stalinist and a communist organization in front of us. And this communist organization wants to establish a communist regime in the Southeast.
A9 TV: July 1st, 2013 ADNAN OKTAR: If there is oppression, than we are all against it, nobody wants that. I don’t want a hair on our Kurdish brothers’ head to be harmed. They are the best people in the world. The whole of Anatolia is jealous of the religiousness of our dear Kurdish people. To make them irreligious they are making communist propaganda like mad. They want to erase religion and faith from the region because it was the most religious region, the Southeast. They think that by doing the opposite they can make it, but it will not happen, insha'Allah.
A9 TV: August 23rd, 2011 ADNAN OKTAR: The system is operated like this. If you tell all the wrong sides of the whole system, you would take away belief from a person. And if you take his belief away, then that body cannot be a terrorist anymore; he cannot afford that. But, what are they doing? As a psychological counterattack they say, ‘Aren’t you ashamed?’, ‘You are making oppression and mercilessness’, ‘How could you do that on a holy day? Is that in accordance with Islam?' He is already irreligious, Godless and Bookless, denies Allah, says that he is a Marxist and a Leninist. He says, ‘I don’t believe in the existence of Allah’, Allah is beyond that. But you are saying, ‘Is that in accordance with religion, how can you do that on a holy day?’ They are following a wrong strategy. They are insistently pretending they don’t understand. When Darwinism and materialism is destroyed, when the Marxist, Leninist ideology is destroyed, the PKK will be finished. It will lose its religion. We will go on saying this until it is understood.
A9 TV: June 3rd, 2014 ADNAN OKTAR: They are dreaming of establishing a great Kurdistan in the Southeast. So, we should definitely give political education to our youth. We should raise our young people to have the love of the homeland and the nation, they are steadfast not to let the country to split up, they are against Darwinism and materialism and also they know the danger of communism very well, they know how to answer communism, they have all the intellectual means to destroy the Stalinist theory of the PKK, they have all the knowledge to stand against splitting up, they should have high political culture. We shouldn’t be late with that. Otherwise it may be difficult, may Allah forbid.
Vatan TV: December 20th, 2007 Adnan Oktar: The PKK is a Marxist, Leninist, Stalinist and communist organization. It has a philosophical structure. It has achieved that with philosophy. It has achieved that with philosophical propaganda. And you can only answer a thesis with an anti-thesis. An anti-communist propaganda should be done. We should give anti-Stalinist, anti-Darwinist, anti-Marxist struggle. They are not doing that. |