The news portal based in Kyrgyzstan, Barakelde, publishes Harun Yahya articles.
Your Cells Can Do What You Cannot
Beautify your life with moral values
The Electric System in your Heart
Listen to your voice of conscience
You Are Never in Control of Your Breath
Discipline Your Soul
Be sincere in your prayers
What if your entire memory was erased?
Let the world follow in your footsteps
Start your day today by intending to spend every moment of your day doing righteous acts
Look at your lives realistically
Don’t delay your good deeds
Don’t accept losing your humanity
No blood will be shed in the world when the Turkish-Islamic union is established
Never forget that every moment you experience is part of your destiny
Never forget to repent and ask for forgiveness for your wrongdoings
Islam Goes Hand In Hand With Art And Beauty
It is in your power to attain real goodness...
What if your whole memory was erased...