English, Spanish, and French magazine, based in Spain, MBC Times International published Harun Yahya’s article “Discipline Your Soul” on October 30th 2015. You may read the article at the below link. .
Discipline Your Soul
Knowing one's soul
Increasing the power of soul
Time Of Elevation Of The Soul: Ramadan
How prayer benefits a believer’s soul
Don’t accept losing your humanity
Be sincere in your prayers
Ramadan: Time of Elevation of the Soul
Listen to your voice of conscience
Darwinists do not talk about the soul as the soul cannot be explained in materialistic terms || Darwin’s Dilemma: The Soul
What Goes on in Your Body When Your Blood Pressure Drops?
Start your day today by intending to spend every moment of your day doing righteous acts
What if your whole memory was erased...
Don’t delay your good deeds
Can Your Kidneys Possess Medical Knowledge?
The effects of arrogance and pride on the soul
The holy month of Ramadan: A blessing for the souls of all Muslims
Never forget to repent and ask for forgiveness for your wrongdoings
Blood: The river of life that flows through your body
What if your entire memory was erased?
Put your trust in Allah