the real face of Islam
Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be recognized by being warm-blooded, loving, affectionate and compassionate
Harun Yahya Representatives Explained That ıslam İs The Religion Of Peace And Love At The American Congress Building
Mr. Adnan Oktar replies || Excerpts
Interview With Harun Yahya Representatives
His Highness Sheikh Nazim al-Qubrusi || Excerpts
Harun Yahya representatives in New York University
Thonex Administrative Council ( Administrative Council Representative )
Mr. Recep Güven: We are one, we are brothers
Those who love the Prophet ‘Isa (as) are charged with love, not war
Muslims living in the west have a responsibility to represent the peaceful and loving moral values of Islam in the finest possible manner
We must prioritize on what we spend || Bosnia Times
Separatist movements and the medicine of love
Harun Yahya Representatives in the 6th international Conference Of Mahdism Doctrine
Harun Yahya Representatives’ Meeting with Chief Rabbi of Rome
We are waiting for the descendants of Ottoman
Are we masters of our destiny?
The deception that 'there are tons of transitional fossils and that dinosaur species represent transitional fossils'
Hazrat Mahdi's (as) weapons are faith and love
The Hidden Spirit of Heaven: Love and Marriage
Love Of Allah Gives Spiritual Strength
Love: A blessing bestowed by Allah for believers
Islam Channel of UK Hosts Harun Yahya representative on live program