What He Said?What Happened?

Mr. Adnan Oktar stated that the State should control everywhere and do the necessary with respect to the members of the PKK by expanding the relevant law, and told that if necessary, the state should revoke the citizenship of the members of the PKK.

Indeed, Turkish President Mr. Tayyip Erdogan mentioned the concept of “deprivation of citizenship” for those engaged in terrorism for the first time.

January 12th 2016, A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: The PKK members pretend to be students and chant slogans at universities. They act collectively. They should all be dismissed from universities. Their right to education should be revoked and this will be the end of the issue. This must be the method that should be employed. If necessary, they should be expatriated. A new law should be passed. This problem should be solved immediately.

December 30th 2015, A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: There are some countries such as France, England, Belgium, the Netherlands and Canada which expatriate anyone carrying out terrorist acts. Turkey must also act like these countries. Anyone who is involved in terrorism should be expatriated.

December 8th 2015, A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: The members of the PKK perform a folk dance at universities. They say, “Our army carries out their activities on the mountains while we do the same here.” That is why the state should follow a serious policy there; they should give no respite. Once a member of the PKK is identified to be at a university, he should be expelled. For example, how many people are there who act together with the PKK members? Let’s say there are one hundred of them; first off, all of them should be expelled from that university. At the second phase, they should be expatriated and deported. 

December 5th 2015, A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: France is now preparing to facilitate the expatriation of terrorists. Those involved in the acts of the PKK should be expatriated outright.

August 21st 2015, A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: We want that the state should control everywhere in no time. We should carry out large-scale arrests, which is the way to fight against the PKK. They should expand the law. Being a member of the PKK should be considered as a serious offense.


April 5th 2016, Haber Türk

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in regard to the operations to be carried out against terrorism, commented: "At the moment, we are doing the needful for those who carry out operations on the lands of our country in their own way and seek to transform these lands into fields. We have loss of lives but killed 10, 20, and 30 times more than we lost. We should take all kinds of measures and even denaturalize the supporters of terrorist organizations. We do not have any other country to go.”