Turkey should avoid being in Shanghai Five
Oman - January 16th, 2011 - Mr. Adnan Oktar replies to the questions of Times of Oman
Being a Time Engineer
Tourists learning how to perform prayers five times a day
Turkey must take the lead role to end conflict in Syria || Times of Oman
We should be on guard about the stratagems being planned against Turkey for the elections and its aftermath
The portents of the end times being realized successively
Arabs should embrace this new Turkey
Salvation of the Kurds || Times of Oman
What Turkey should do now? The need for stability
Time to move on for Russia and Turkey
The Good Should Avoid Bickering And Unite
Oman Tribune announced the display of Harun Yahya works in the Oman Book Fair
How do beaked whales avoid the bends?
Russia-Turkey: Long-lasting Friendship Should Not Be Damaged
Iran-Turkey: Relations of old friends || Tehran Times
Women Should Avoid The Shallow Life Style That Degenerate Cultural Values Have Produced
The five essential conditions for protein formation
Syria is a part of the Shanghai Bloc, the people of Syria resist Communism
Hillary Clinton Should Espouse the Security of Turkey, a NATO Member, Not the PKK Terrorists
Turkey and Russia, 'No, not this time'
A disease that Muslims must avoid: Overfamiliarity
Muslim woman avoids idle talk and idle deeds
Being a woman in Afghanistan
Turkey should act as ''older brother'' to Muslims