English language daily popular Pakistani newspaper, Daily Times, publishes Harun Yahya articles.
Being a woman in Afghanistan
The Character of the Working Woman
Visa is being lifted with Afghanistan
Character traits of a Muslim woman
Being a Muslim woman in Myanmar
Pakistan – Afghanistan: Rediscovering Brotherhood
What Awaits Afghanistan from Now on?
The occupation of Afghanistan
Catholic woman: one of 500 most influential Muslims In the world
A German Woman Who Came to Turkey on Holiday Becomes a Muslim
Our mother Hazrat Aisha (as), a superior muslim woman
Pakistan - Afghanistan: Rediscovering brotherhood
Being considerate
Who is the first human being || First human being
"More Soldiers", "More Bombs" and "More Weapons" are not what Afghanistan Needs
Being just at all costs
Visas being removed with Portugal
Being Inspired by the Surrounding Beauties
The PKK's Deception about Being Democratic