Turkey must take the lead role to end conflict in Syria || Times of Oman
Turkey must become a role model with its leading role in the region
Russia has other roles to play in Syria
Turkey will be the leading state in the future
Turkey Will lead the army of the Gulf of Aden
Saakasvili Praises Turkey’s Role in the Region
Turkey is Syria's best friend
Turkey must be the mediator
The Inhuman Death Penalty Must End
Turkey steps up to lead the Islamic world
We Must Put An End To The Violence In Urumqi
Turkey is all set to lead the Islamic world
Turkey is also a Model for Syria
Federalism: A Path Turkey Must Avoid
A peaceful resolution to the conflict in Syria
All parties must take a joint action to put an end to terror in Turkey
What shape will the new government in Turkey take?
The role of Turkey in Iraq is increasing
The Crime against Humanity in Yarmouk Must Be Ended As a Matter of Urgency!
Bashar al-Assad: Turkey is the unique country with its intermediary role
When Will Turkey’s Journey to Join the EU End?
Turkey: Are they role model on social equality of women?
Rich leaders that are hostile towards Muslims taking the lead is a portent of the appearance of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)