What He Said?What Happened?

Mersin TV, 5th of September, 2008

Adnan Oktar: By the leave of Allah, Turkey will be a great country. Turkish Islamic Union will be constituted. And Turkey will embrace the whole Middle East, all the Balkans, the whole Asia with the spirit of an elder brother inshaAllah. And you’ll see that a beautiful system will come out. Caucasian pact is being constituted, and we have railway projects, as you know. We have projects for oil pipelines, natural gas pipelines. Meetings are held for Islamic Union. There are works to make Turkish Union stronger. These are all good deeds inshaAllah. As you know, our Anatolia has always been a crib for civilizations. This is the kind of place Anatolia is. As you know, in the time of the Ottomans, they ruled all the Middle East, the Balkans, the whole three continents from here inshaAllah. It will be like this again but it will be within the spirit of love, friendship and brotherhood.

Vatan, 17th of July, 2010

Turkey is back in the region where it was ejected 100 years ago