The Hill newspaper based in Washington DC is a source for policy and political coverage, reporting mostly on the White House and the Congress. You may read Harun Yahya’s article published at the Hill.
Two old friends: Israel and Turkey
Let's Reconcile the Two Old Friends: Russia and Turkey
Iran-Turkey: Relations of old friends
Two paths, two aims, but what kind of friend?
Greece: Our Old Friend
“One step forward, two steps back” strategy is back!
Back with two old friends: Israel and Turkey
Turkey, friend of the innocent!
Turkey's friends and foes
Turkey-Israel: Promising Alliance for Middle East
''Turkey and Azerbaijan are two inseparable brothers''
Turkey is Syria's best friend
Turkey back to the region where it was ejected 100 years ago
New Developments in Israel-Turkey Relations
Together With Our Old Friend Egypt Once Again
Back to Spirituality
Recommendations for Turkey's two major parties
Iran-Turkey: Relations of old friends || Tehran Times
Israel-Turkey: A hopeful alliance in a divided Middle East
Two new border gates between turkey and Iraq