In the month of Ramadan, all Muslims in Turkey act like a single body in performing their fasting obligations and give thanks to our Lord for His blessings. Fasting in a manner that Allah will approve of is a sign of profound faith, fear of Allah, devotion and sincerity.
According to a public opinion by Konda, published in the Turkish daily Milliyet, 82.5% of people in Turkey fast on a regular basis, and the level of those performing the prayer regularly stands at 43.9%. The study indicated that the most regularly performed observances are fasting and attending the Friday prayer. The level of those regularly attending the Friday prayer stands at 56.1%, with 75.2% praying regularly, 24.4 regularly attending mosques/places of worship, and 26.3% regularly reading the Qur’an.
The level of atheists in Turkey was put at 0.9%. The great majority of the Turkish public, 86.1%, describe themselves as “believers” and “religious.”