Arabic language international political news portal Sasapost publishes Harun Yahya article.
Prayers In Ramadan For Muslims' Salvation
Yemenis’ Prayer in the Month of Ramadan Must Be for All Muslims to Be United
The Turkish-Islamic Union means salvation for the whole world || Salvation for the world
Salvation of the Kurds
Muslim prayer service at the Washington National Cathedral
Eid al – Fitr Prayer at Church, Friday Prayer at Synagogue
God answers everyone's prayers
Wishing for the Salvation of the Entire Islamic World
The Salvation of the Islamic World Lies within Quran
Prayers are offered to Allah alone
Determined Prayer is the Key to Destiny
Repentance Vital For Eternal Salvation
The Turkish-Islamic Union will be the salvation of the Pattani Muslims
Prayer For Peace And Welfare
Mosques are full during the morning prayers
The Salvation of the Kurds Lies in a Strong and Unitary Turkey
Prayer: Most beautiful expression of servitude
Determined prayer is the key to destiny
Prayer: Most Beautiful Expression of Servitude
Prayers of Muslims in the Qur'an
Prayers For Oppressed Brethren During Aidiladha
Death Penalty, Salvation For Child Killers
Mosul’s Salvation Lies With the Spirit of Brotherhood and Stratfor’s Attempt in Distorting History
Prayers of Muslims in the Qur’an