The news portal based in Kyrgyzstan, Barakelde, publishes Harun Yahya articles.
The glorious structure of the atom - Part 1
The structure of the atom proves that || Matter is transparent
Atomic energy and fission
The Power of Atom
The solidity of the atom and electron orbits
The Size of the Atom
The new horizon broadened by the structure in atom: conductive plastics
The wondrous equilibrium of the forces inside the atom
The Solidity Of The Atom And Electron Orbits
The Miraculous Atom: The Building Block of All Things
Miracles of the Quran: The Structure of Cartilage Mentioned in the Qur’an
The Atom’s Astonishing Detail
Living color palettes made up of crystals: Photonic structures
Tetrapod Finger Structure, The
Rasulullah (saas) heralded the usage of the atomic bomb before the emergence of Hazrat Mahdi (as)
The Flawless Wonder of Engineering: The woody structure that makes trees solid
The structure of cartilage noted in the Qur’an
The size of the atom
Information about the structure of the earth and the universe will be obtained in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as)
Superior structure and order in living beings set an example for useful products
The extraordinary features of the atom
Spilling blood is unlawful, using atom bomb is unlawful, and iran will not attack anyone (from Çay TV interview, October 1st 2009)
The invalidity of the claims that the eye is not an irreducibly complex structure and that the eye evolved