The news portal based in Kyrgyzstan, Barakelde, publishes Harun Yahya articles.
The miracle of seed
Secret in the Seed
The Design in the Seed
Did you know that some plants use the winds to disperse their seeds?
Miracles of the Quran: The structure of cartilage
The Flawless Wonder of Engineering: The woody structure that makes trees solid
Adnan Oktar's Activities Concerning Darwinism in Seed Magazine
Superior structure and order in living beings set an example for useful products
Tetrapod Finger Structure, The
The Anatomical Structure of Turtle Armor
The Incredible Seed
The glorious structure of the atom - Part 1
The structure of cartilage noted in the Qur’an
Our Prophet (saas) imparted that Hz. Mahdi (as)'s kneecaps are not flat but have outcurved structure
""We Should Follow the Family Structure of Muslims""
Special Structures in Fish: Air Sac and Skin
The structure of cartilage noted in the Qur'an
How do the seeds sleeping for hundreds of years sprout?
The unitary structure of Turkey can never be fragmented. || Unitary structure of Turkey
Perfection Is an Outcome Shown by Science and Prevails in All Living Structures
Mr. Davutoglu: “We are Here to Plant the Seeds of Love”