IN THE BIBLE, WHEN THE PROPHET JESUS (AS) SAW THE PRAISE-FILLED TITLES OF THIS COMMUNITY, HE PRAYED TO ALLAH TO BE ONE OF THEM, AND ALLAH HEEDED HIS PRAYER. That is why he will descend to Earth as a renovator when the day comes. (Al-Kutub al-Sitta, Translation and Commentary, Feza Journalism, 1996, 14/74) |
The Prophet Jesus (as) will descend to be from the community of Muhammad (saas). In the true Bible, THE PROPHET JESUS (AS) SAW THE SUPERIOR QUALITIES OF MUHAMMAD (SAAS) AND BEGGED TO BE FROM HIS COMMUNITY. HE PRAYED AND HIS PRAYER WAS HEARD. Almighty Allah raised him alive to the sky. He will descend to Earth at a time near Doomsday to be from the community of Muhammad (saas), and he will convert such corrupted faiths as Judaism and Christianity into Islam. (The Faith Everyone Needs, Abu'l-Baha Ziyaaddin Mawlana Khalid ibn Ahmad Khalid Bagdadi, 1242/1827 ; Translated by: Kemahli Feyzullah Efendi, 6th edition, Istanbul, Ihlas Publications, 1989) |