Ghaibat Tusi:  It is  narrated  from  Fadhl  from  Ismail  bin  Mahran  from Aiman  bin  Mohraz  from  Rufaa  bin  Musa  and  Muawiyah  bin  Wahab  from  His Eminence, Abu Abdullah Sadiq (a.s.) that he said:

The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) said:

“Blessed be those who are fortunate to live in the time of Qaim [Mahdi] of my Ahle Bayt. Those who would believe in him [Mahdi] during his occultation and before his [Mahdi’s] advent, who would love his [Mahdi’s] friends and remain aloof from his [Mahdi’s] enemies. Such people  would  be  my  closest  ones  and  my  friends  on  the  Day  of Judgment.”  [(According to the tradition of Rufaa:) “And the most respected creatures of Allah in my view.”]