Celal Sengor made the astonishing claim that there is no order, but disorder, in space, on Earth or in living things, while maintaining his life and existence without any difficulties in an extraordinary harmony and order, in the vastness of space. Sengor made the amazing claim that the planets had no fixed order within this disorder of which he spoke, and that the universe is in a state of great chaos.
It is clearly impossible for Sengor, a professor of geology, to be unaware of the great equilibrium in the universe, and on the Earth in particular. This is a classic, Darwinist claim. The demagogy of the universe being in a state of disorder in order to impose the theory of evolution on large numbers of people is a deception that Darwinists always resort to in order to deny the existence of a Creator. But since the claim in question has been raised, it will be appropriate to set out the details of the glorious equilibrium established in the universe by Allah.
The equilibrium in space and on the Earth, whose sensitivity exceeds the bounds of human comprehension, may be briefly summarized as follows:
The Balances on Earth:
The Thickness of the Earth’s Crust;
- If it were any thicker, a high level of oxygen would be transferred from the atmosphere to the crust and oxygen balance would be impaired.
- If it were any thinner, there would be so much volcanic activity that life would be impossible.
The Speed at Which the Earth Revolves around Its Own Axis;
- If it were slower, the temperature difference between day and night would be very high.
- If it were faster, atmospheric winds would attain huge speeds, and hurricanes and tornados would make life impossible.
The Earth’s Magnetic Field;
The Ratio of Solar Light Reflected by the Earth to That Reaching It
The Level of Oxygen and Nitrogen in the Atmosphere:
The Level of Carbon Dioxide and Water in the Atmosphere:
The Thickness of the Ozone Layer:
Seismic (Earthquake) Activity
The diameter of the Sun is 103 times that of the Earth. There are some 250 billion stars like the Sun, most of them larger than it, in the Milky Way alone.
But the Milky Way itself occupies a tiny part of space as a whole. Because there are other galaxies in space, an estimated 300 billion more!
If the stars were slightly closer to one another, life on Earth would be impossible. A huge void in space of the exact proportions existing now is essential for life on Earth. Because the forces of attraction are proportional to that. At the same time, it is the way the spaces between celestial bodies are so vast that stop giant heavenly objects crashing into one another.
If the planets’ orbits around the Sun were slightly slower, then they would rapidly be pulled toward it and swallowed up in a giant explosion.
If the planets orbited the Sun slightly faster, then the gravitational pull of the Sun would be insufficient to hold them and they would gradually spin off into space.
The equilibrium in space is adjusted differently for each planet. Because, each planet is at a different distance from the Sun. Moreover, their masses are very different. Therefore, they all need to have different speeds of orbit to prevent them either plunging into the Sun or flying away from it.
If Jupiter was not as large as this, then the Earth would be thousands of times more struck by the meteors and comets that travel through the vast wastes of space.
Carbon-based organic compounds (such as proteins) can only exist within a specific temperature range. Above 120 °C they begin to fall apart, while at temperatures below -20 °C they begin to freeze. Not only temperature, but also factors such as light, gravity, the atmosphere and magnetic force all need to be within very specific and narrow ranges. The Earth lies within all these specific and narrow boundaries. If any were to go wrong, if the Earth’s surface temperature were to exceed 120°C, for instance, then there can no longer be any life on Earth.
Life is only possible within a very restricted temperature range. And that range represents just 1% of the spectrum from the temperature of the Sun to absolute zero. The temperature of the Earth lies just within that narrow range.
The Earth’s 23°27´ angle of incline prevents excessive temperature that might prevent the atmosphere forming between the poles and the equator. Were it not for that incline, the temperature difference between the polar regions and the equator would rise even further and it would be impossible for there to be a life-sustaining atmosphere.
The Earth revolves around its own axis once every 24 hours, thanks to which the days and nights do not last long. And since they are very short, the temperature difference between day and night is quite small. The significance of this equilibrium can be seen by comparison with Mercury, on which a day lasts longer than a year, and the difference between daytime and nocturnal temperatures is therefore 1000°C.
The Earth is exactly the size it needs to be. If it were any smaller, its force of gravity would be very weak and be unable to maintain the atmosphere around the Earth, and if it were any larger, then gravity would be very much greater, and would retain certain toxic gasses in the atmosphere, making the atmosphere deadly.
The present level of oxygen in the atmosphere, 21%, is ideal, and with in the bounds that must not be exceeded if life is to survive. Every 1 degree rise in the level of oxygen would increase the likelihood of lightning igniting a forest fire by 70%.
Are you stronger in structure or is heaven? He (Allah) built it. He raised its vault high and made it level. He darkened its night and brought forth its morning light. After that He smoothed out the earth and brought forth from it its water and its pastureland and made the mountains firm, for you and for your livestock to enjoy. (Surat An-Nazi‘at, 27-33)