What He Said?What Happened?

Kordon TV, July 27-2008

Adnan Oktar:
So Turkey has to become directly the big brother, even the leader of the entire Middle East, the entire Islamic countries as throwing it’s weigh about as a dominant leader. Because Turkey is a country where very wise, sincere people exist. A country where very conscientious people exist. It’s armed forces are excellent. They are very very conscientious, they elaborate, they are well educated. And they are loved in every country. They are loved wherever they go. For example; they go to Iraq, they are loved. They go to Bosnia, they are loved. They go to Somalia, they are loved. They are respected everywhere. There is a de facto situation. SO THE ENTIRE MIDDLE EAST, THE ENTIRE ISLAMIC WORLD love the Turkish Army and LOVE THE TURKISH NATION. SO THEY WHAT THEM TO BE THE BIG BROTHER. So Turkey should carry out the big brother role by coming out and bringing out a leader -if it is needed, bringing out a spiritual leader- in the Islamic countries and Turkish countries. I mean it is necessary to form the Turkish Islamic Union urgently for the entire region.

Daily Sabah, January 26-2010

Daily Bugün, January 26-2010

Daily Türkiye, January 26-2010


Daily Star, January 26-2010