Pakistan Observer, daily English-language newspaper published in Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar and Muzafarabad with the largest visitation of its e-paper, publishes Harun Yahya’s articles.
The expansion of the Universe
Holy Quran & Expansion of Universe
The expansion of the universe
Holy Quran and Expansion of Universe
The Expansion Of The Universev
A voyage through the universe || Creation of the universe
"the Creation Of The Universe" Conference At The University Of Western Sydney
Creation Of The Universe Conference At The University Of Tetova
Vanderbilt University
God created the universe from nothing|| Creation of the universe
The Masjid University (Shah Alam)
The end of the universe and the big crunch
Holy Quran & expansion of universe
Evolution Conference At The University Of Queen Mary
Turkey has known no boundaries in expansion
Harun Yahya Conference At The University Of Nottingham
The Fact Of Creation Conference At The University Of Missouri
Allah, not chance, created the universe
Harun Yahya Conference Series At The University Of Auckland
Creation of the Universe
University Of Rochester ( Ronald F. Dow )
The fine tuning in the universe
God created the universe from nothing
The Invalidity Of The Claim That There Is Disorder In The Universe And The World
Library Syndicate ( Cambridge University Library )