From "The error of Buddhism" documentary
The Errors Of Science On Bipedalism
"Panda's Thumb" Error, The
Evolutionist Errors Regarding the Sea Urchin Genome
The Errors of Sam Harris and the Truth about "Free Will"
Self-Ordering Error, The
Yakup Kepenek’s Evolutionary Errors
The Christian error of the trinity
The Dinosaur Evolution Error in New Scientist
The Error Of Radicalism
The Error of ""Evolutionary Change in Galapagos Finches""
The Express Tribune’s error concerning ‘cow-whale’ evolution
The error of excluding women from social life
It is an error to explain the hadiths regarding the advent of Hazrat Mahdi (as) in a superstitious manner
Robert Martin’s Evolution Errors
The Evolution Of Human Intelligence Error In Scientific American Magazine
The ""Coincidental Champions"" Error By The Animal Planet Channel
Errors On The BBC Regarding Latest Homo Erectus Finding
Responses to some Christians' errors regarding the end times
A New Ape-Man Claim and Old Errors in Turkish Daily Milliyet
A Response To The Error Concerning The Southern California Stick Insect Published On The Science Daily Web Site
The BBC"s Evolution Of Shrinkings Spines Error
Five Errors From New Scientist
Genetic Similarity and Errors Regarding the Origin of Language on
The error of the collective personality concerning the Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as)