Yemen Times, the first and most-read English newspaper of Yemen, devoted a place to an article of Mr. Adnan Oktar with the title “The Error of Radicalism: Why should a Muslim refrain from being a radical and prefer tolerance?” on October 20, 2005.
The error of 'following the crowd'
The Qur'an the only remedy for radicalism
Defeating the proliferation of radicalism
Educational campaign vital to defeat radicalism
Futuyma"s Bosphorus Errors
Myanmar Should Beware of Radicalism
Uniting against radicalism
Laws won't stop radical ideologies
New Laws Will Not Stop Radicalization – Only Education Will
Self-Ordering Error, The
Time Magazine's Homo sapiens idaltu Error
Hirsi Ali and her errors
When Will the Radical Terror in the Western World End?
Jerry Adler"s Darwinism Error’s Army Ant Error
Radicals Hate Even the Animals
The Express Tribune’s error concerning ‘cow-whale’ evolution
The Error of Islamic Evolutionism
Intellect and love will defeat radicalism
Ramapithecus Error, The
The Neanderthal Error on the web site
The Latest Coelacanth Fossil And Evolutionist Errors
New Scientist"s ""Evolution With Climate"" Error