Yemen Times, the first and most-read English newspaper of Yemen, devoted a place to an article of Mr. Adnan Oktar with the title “The Error of Radicalism: Why should a Muslim refrain from being a radical and prefer tolerance?” on October 20, 2005.
The Error of Islamic Evolutionism
Defeating the proliferation of radicalism
Self-Ordering Error, The
Hirsi Ali and her errors
The Qur'an is the only answer to radicalism
The error of 'following the crowd'
Uniting Against Religious Radicalism
The Human And Chimpanzee Errors In Discover Magazine
Educational campaign vital to defeat radicalism
National Geographic's Darwin error
The Dinosaur Evolution Error in New Scientist
Discovery Tv"s ""Junk DNA"" Error
Virus Evolution Errors In New Scientist Magazine
Can radicals hurt the image of Islam with their abhorrent actions?
The Qur’an is the only answer to radicalism
Five Errors From New Scientist
The New Scientist Error Regarding the Ancestor of Mammals
The Young Recruits of Al-Shabaab and Radical Terrorism
Uniting against radicalism
Women Bound by Chains of Radicalism
Myanmar Should Beware of Radicalism
Errors In The 9 April, 2005, New Scientist
The error behind Osman Unlu's idea of the third millennium
The Headstrong Homo erectus Error IN Natural History Magazine