Independent news source, Arabian Gazette, mostly focused on the Middle East and North Africa region published Harun Yahya’s article “When Will the Radical Terror in the Western World End?” on June 29th , 2015
When will the Downward Spiral of Society End?
Is it terror only when the target is the West?
When death is not the end
Is the objective to annihilate terrorism or the Islamic world?
When Death Is Not The End
Increasing Islamophobia In Western Society
Is PKK's terror really ending in Turkey?
An intellectual struggle based on education is required to bring an end to terror
Is the Objective to Annihilate Terrorism or the Islamic World?
The Young Recruits of Al-Shabaab and Radical Terrorism
Defeating the proliferation of radicalism
Radicals are some of the worst misogynists in the world
The Qur’an is the only answer to radicalism
All parties must take a joint action to put an end to terror in Turkey
Uniting Against Religious Radicalism
An International Model To Put An End To The Conflict In The Islamic World Is Possible
Defeating the Proliferation of Radicalism
Economic instabilities in the world would completely end with the moral values of the Qur’an
The Qur'an the only remedy for radicalism
Radicals make up prohibitions that are not in the Qur'an, || Radicalism