Arab News , the leading English daily newspaper published in Arabia, published Harun Yahya’s article “Scientific Evidences Lead To Faith” on October 23th 2015.
Scientific evidences lead to faith
Scientific Evidences Lead To Faith
The scientific collapse of materialism
AZ-ZAHIR - The Evident; The Outward
Signs Leading To Faith Conference At University Of Zayed, Dubai
Scientific Facts Revealed In The Qur'an
Show Me The Evidence That Refutes Evolution
Union of Faiths
Faith: The Way to Happiness
The invalidity of the claim that bacterial resistance to antibiotics is evidence of evolution
Manufacturing a molecule in a laboratory environment is not evidence for evolution
Faith: The Way To Happiness
The importance of the honored Sunnah to the faithful
The Scientific Paradigm Given In The Qur'an
Islam Encourages Scientific Progress
Harun Yahya"s Scientific Articles
Ramadan rejuvenates the faithful
The Age of a Return to Faith
What the tsunami disaster leads us to consider
Faith in the Hereafter
The outlook of people of faith on death
Quantum physics: The Discovery that scientifically demolished materialism
The Leading Health Problem Worldwide on the Rise: Depression
NASA's new planetary discoveries are not evidence for the existence of extraterrestrial life
Happiness follows faith