Since Darwinism is an ideology based on deceiving the world and turning people away from belief in Allah (God), the supporters of the Dajjal have to try to keep it alive, no matter what the cost. For that reason, the various people who have entered the Dajjal’s protection have resorted to all possible methods to keep the ideology on its feet. They heralded the theory of evolution as a proven fact, despite the fact there is not a single piece of evidence to support it. They have given the impression that non-existent evidence does in fact exist and have tried to adapt fossils to their own theory. They have produced fictitious intermediate forms, despite the fact that not a single genuine one exists, and have taught this as scientific fact in school books. They have ignored the countless pieces of evidence against evolution that have emerged, and have deliberately hidden them away from the public gaze. In the absence of any evidence for their theory, they have manufactured false fossils and exhibited these for decades in the world’s most famous museums. Instead of being ashamed when their frauds have been exposed, they have continued with their deceptive methods and have had no qualms about producing and defending new frauds. Although it has been scientifically proved that not one single protein can form by chance they have still insisted on maintaining that life first emerged by chance in muddy water. (The probability of a function protein forming by chance is 1 in 10950, in other words, zero.) They have had no compunctions about publishing their false evidence in newspapers and scientific journals and on the television, and have not hesitated to teach these to students in schools for years. Darwinism is a belief system based on fraud, deception and falsehood. Darwinism is not scientific. Ever since it was first launched, Darwin’s theory has assumed the task assumed by the ancient pagans; it has sought to disseminate paganism and to turn people away from belief in Allah. It deceived people for 150 years. For 150 years, it sought to familiarize people with a lie. Darwinism is a heretical religion that needs fraud to survive, that tells lies to attract supporters, and that excommunicates those who tell the truth.
Allah says in one verse:
Say: “Shall I tell you of a reward with Allah far worse than that: that of those whom Allah has cursed and with whom He is angry – turning some of them into monkeys and into pigs – and who worshipped false deities? Such people are in a worse situation and further from the right way.” (Surat al-Ma’ida, 60)
Under normal conditions, there would be no logic at all in people continuing to follow such a perverted ideology. But some people have fallen into a snare laid by the Dajjal. All unawares, they have been deceived by this deception, not knowing what they were doing or how they had been led astray. Because the Dajjal has employed a very cunning method. As Darwinism deceived the world it made contact, by fraudulent and perverted means, with people who had undertaken this cunning and ugly work of the Dajjal. However, it is also certain that, as with all superstitious religions, the cunning snares laid in this religion will also come to nothing:
They are hatching a plot. I too am hatching a plot. So bear with the unbelievers – bear with them for a while. (Surat at-Tariq, 15-17)