The Gulf Today, an English-language paper published in the United Arab Emirates, published Harun Yahya’s article titled “Satan Man’s Biggest Enemy”, which is about the deception of satan, on its Ramadan page on the 21st of August, 2011.
Satan is the most dangerous enemy to man. However it is very easy for a Muslim to neutralize the satan.
Biggest mosque in Poland to be built in Warsaw
Hypocrites are party of satan
Never forget the existence of Satan
Repel evil with good, win the enemies
""Islam is the biggest growing religion in Europe""
Satanism: Satan's bloody teaching || Satanism
BBC News and Darwinism's biggest conundrum: How did life begin?
Satan hinders gratitude
Mutations are the enemies of symmetry
Yemenis Must Be Friends, Not Enemies
Radicals: The Biggest Anti-Christ Army Islam Faces
The cunning of Satan is weak
The believers do not follow in Satan's footsteps
Harun Yahya is The Greatest Writer And Biggest Publisher in The islamic World
Satan's efforts to drag believers into unawareness
How does our body know its friends from its enemies?
References to the system of the Mahdi from the Surah Yusuf (The system of the dajjal (anti-messiah) is clear-cut enemy of man)
Vulgarity: A snare of satan
Satan's arrogance or believers' modesty?
Satan's technique of reverse logic
Mr.Kılıcdaroğlu: We did the biggest wrong to Ataturk
Satan’s clamor: Setting Believers against One Another
Apathy, sloth and indifference are vices originating in Satan that believers must avoid
Human soul attains profundity with the existence of satan, lower-self and Hell || Hell