The news portal based in Kyrgyzstan, Barakelde, publishes Harun Yahya articles.
Proteins Challenge Chance
Present-day technology cannot explain how the Mayan crystal skulls were produced
Morsi Must Produce Freedom for
Miraculous Molecules: Proteins
A protein that prevents tumors in mother’s milk: The HAMLET Protein
Will the Geneva talks really produce a solution to Syria?
Protein: the cell's most basic detail
It is impossible for the evolutionists to come up with an explanation for the formation of proteins
Ants that produce antibiotics
The deceit that photosynthetic bacteria emerged with 'a small evolution' and produced oxygen
The glorious irreducible complexity in the synthesis of a single protein
False Speculation on Protein from Darwinists Unable to Account for Protein Formation
Fearing death will avail CNN producer Larry King nothing at all
Can Spider Silk Be Finally Produced Artificially?
How to execute an entire nation
Military Operations Do Not Always Produce a Solution
Declare war on terror, but how?
How should a Muslim speak?
Extremism in Britain, and how to tackle it
How can the contagious terror be stopped?