Iran’s first English daily newspaper, the Tehran Times published Harun Yahya’s article on September 21th 2015
Refugees With No Great Expectations
A heart for helping refugees
“A City For Refugees” In Syria
Indifference towards refugees
Follow destiny for great ease
The papacy's great responsibility
Contrary to expectations of the evolutionists, the RNA world now proves creation
Condemning Refugees to Death
Will Europe Pass the Refugee Test?
Turkey and what to expect in 2015
Overcoming the barriers for the Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon
Global growth expectations decrease while it is on the rise in Turkey
Refugees with no great expectations
Refugees: Stopping the madness
The only solution to the refugee crisis that shook the world
The Agreement with the EU on Syrian Refugees
The Moscow summit and the great alliance
Refugees and Turkey on the Sixth Anniversary of Syrian War
Great Advances in Technology in the Golden Age