Pakistan Observer, daily English-language newspaper published in Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar and Muzafarabad with the largest visitation of its e-paper, published Harun Yahya’s article “A heart for helping refugees” on June 28th 2015.
A heart for helping refugees
Helping is always a good idea – Syrian Refugee Crisis
Helping relief organizations
Indifference towards refugees
It Is No Economic Loss to Help Syrian Refugees
Africa cries for help
Refugees: Stopping the Madness
Heart massage
Repentance provides relief to the heart
The Conundrum of Libya’s Refugees and Migrants
Refugees: Stopping the madness
Condemning Refugees to Death
Repentance Gives Relief to Heart
Refugees with no great expectations
Putin: "God helps those who help Him"
Ramadan right time to help Muslims
Cultivating a humble heart
EU's Rights and Wrongs on the Refugee Crisis