References to the system of the Mahdi from the Surah Yusuf (The system of the dajjal (anti-messiah) is clear-cut enemy of man)

References to the system of the Mahdi from the Surah Yusuf (The system of the dajjal (anti-messiah) is clear-cut enemy of man)



Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Interview on A9 TV dated October 10th, 2011

ADNAN OKTAR: Look, Allah relates Prophet Joseph's (pbuh) beautiful and glorious life and devotes an entire surah to him. The Surah Yusuf.  With the name of Allah All Merciful, Most Merciful. I seek refuge with Allah from the satan. "Alif, Ram, Ra.." (Surah Yusuf, 1) Who knows what is meant here.. "Alif, Ram, Ra.." Might they be the names of the assigned angels? ".. Those are the Signs of the Clear Book." So that means the verses of the Qur'an are not inexplicit, they are clear. ".. We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur'an so that hopefully you will use your intellect. (Surah Yusuf, 2)  This means that we are to conceive, think and ponder Insha'Allah.

"We tell you the best of stories.." look.. "..the best of stories in revealing this Qur'an to you.." Almighty Allah says that these are not just stories and that He is telling us the real happenings that actually took place ".. even though you were unaware of it before it came."(Surah Yusuf, 3) 

What are those? Those are the news of the unknown. Allah gives information about the unknown.

"When Yusuf (Joseph) told his father, 'Father! " look he says father lovingly.. "..I saw eleven bright stars, and the sun and moon as well. I saw them all prostrate in front of me.' "

Eleven; two "ones" together, surely it has a deep meaning. There is also reference to the 9/11 (2001) attacks. There is also reference to the lunar and solar eclipses, which are the portents of the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh).

After the eleven imams, Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is the twelfth imam; there is a reference to that. There are other indications.. [ but I will speak of them later]

"He said, 'My son, don't tell your brothers your dream lest they devise some scheme to injure you.." look "..don't tell your brothers your dream.." What happened to the ignorant, uneducated people when they are told about the beauties of the system of the Mahdi in the End Times? They started to attack us like rabid dogs. Some male and female idolaters and hypocrites.. We spoke of our dream and said; "Islam will prevail the world. Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) and Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will come." We spoke of this true, beautiful dream of ours. But some hypocrites who pretended to be our brothers, those people in the guise of a Muslim, attacked us like drooling rabid dogs. Allah says in the verse, "..lest they devise some scheme"; they also hatched plots against us. They cooperated with disbelievers. "..satan is a clear-cut enemy to man." That is to say, the dajjal (anti-messiah), the system of the dajjal is a clear-cut, obvious enemy of man.

"Accordingly your Lord will pick you out"; Allah will select you among other people. It is indicated that Allah will teach him how to interpret the events. Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will also interpret the hadith and the incidents of the End Times most beautifully. He will be the person who best interprets them.

" well as on the family of Jacob as He fulfilled it perfectly before upon your forebears Abraham and Ishaq.."  The family of Jacob; That is to say Israel. What is the descent of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)? He is from the sons of Israel. He is from the descent of the Prophet David (pbuh). How does Allah fulfill His blessings? By making Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) the leader of the Islamic World. This verse will come true as he [Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)] salvages all the sons of Israel, all the sons of Ishmael, all Muslims, Insha'Allah. "Most certainly your Lord is Knowing, Wise."

"In Yusuf (Joseph) and his brothers there are Signs for every one of those who want to ask." Allah stresses that there are signs only for those who are interested, for "those who want to ask," There are no signs for those who do not ask. Look Allah lays down a condition; He says; "..there are Signs for every one of those who want to ask."

"When they declared, 'Why! Yusuf (Joseph) and his brother are dearer to our father than we are.."   Look, this is jealousy. The people of the time are extremely jealous. "..although we constitute a powerful group"; the idolaters and hypocrites of our day indeed support one another as well. They form a great alliance.  
