The mercifulness of believers may also be observed in their approach to orphans. The noblest of attitudes that must be shown to orphans, who need the care and interest of others because they have lost their parents, are made explicit in the Qur'an. One of the exemplary attitudes believers meticulously adopt is "to do good" to orphans and "never to treat them harshly".
In societies in which the values of the Qur'an are not observed, no system has been devised to protect the rights of orphans or to secure their future. Protection, such as it is, depends upon the conscience of the people. For this reason, some ill-intentioned individuals may try to benefit from the lack of experience and ignorance of these children. Indeed, having no one to protect their rights, orphans can readily become subject to abusive treatment at the hands of those who have taken it upon themselves to care for them. Such people may expect orphans to feel gratitude because they have taken them under their wing or they may reproachfully remind them of the kindnesses they have done them. On the other hand, subjecting them to a different kind of treatment, they may oppress these children in both the physical and the spiritual sense. Nevertheless, Allah prohibits subjecting orphans to harsh treatment and condemns those who mistreat them:

Have you seen him who denies the religion? He is the one who harshly rebuffs the orphan and does not urge the feeding of the poor. So woe to those who do prayer, and are forgetful of their prayer, those who show off and deny help to others. (Surat al-Ma'un: 1-7)

Contrary to such offensive treatment, Qur'anic morality demands tolerant and compassionate treatment of orphans as expressed in the verse, "(be good to) orphans and the very poor. And speak good words to people". (Surat al-Baqara: 83) Believers meticulously observe this command. Their conscience and understanding of humanity entail the protection of orphans who need help and care, and the meeting of all their spiritual and material needs. Believers never oppress orphans, expect them to appreciate their kindness or strive to obtain any material or spiritual benefits from them. On the contrary, they protect their rights and adopt the best possible attitude. Their strong sense of what is right, their profound fear of Allah and their compassion account for this meticulousness.

Improving the situation in life of orphans and bringing them up as decent individuals:

…They will ask you about the property of orphans. Say, "Managing it in their best interests is best". If you mix your property with theirs, they are your brothers… (Surat al-Baqara: 220)

As is implied in the above verse, Allah advises believers to bring orphans up as decent individuals. Believers show keenness to take this responsibility upon themselves and do their best to educate them in the best way possible.
However, the most important responsibility of a person who takes a child under his protection is to instill in him the noble values of the Qur'an and to make him regard Allah with due appreciation. That is because these are the most important issues that guide the individual to truth and salvation. A child develops moral sense in the light of the knowledge he acquires in his early years and is accordingly prepared for his eternal life in the hereafter. For this reason, this is the most important issue to which a believer pays attention while an orphan under his care is being educated. He does his utmost to ensure that he or she has superior values as a believer. No doubt, this is only made possible by his living by the values of the Qur'an himself. Abiding by Islamic ethics ensures that orphans grow up into decent, intelligent, hard-working individuals.
Allah issues a stern warning to those who misappropriate the wealth of orphans:

People who consume the property of orphans wrongfully consume nothing in their bellies except fire. They will roast in a Searing Blaze. (Surat an-Nisa': 10)

In compliance with the above verse, believers who assume the responsibility for an orphan do not spend that orphan's personal wealth for their own needs or expect anything in return. On the contrary, giving them priority over all others, they protect the rights and wealth of such orphans as are entrusted to them by Allah.

Being meticulous about protecting the wealth of an orphan entrusted to one's care is something peculiar to those who are sincere in their faith, who have a high standard of morality and who grasp the understanding of mercy described in the Qur'an, especially since a guardian is granted the authority to spend the wealth of an orphan. Not spending a penny for one's own personal needs out of a property entrusted to one—despite having the authority to spend from it is truly a matter of conscience. In the Qur'an, Allah advises the wealthy guardian to behave decently in this matter. If the guardian in question is poor, then he is allowed to spend within the due limits specified in the Qur'an. Allah warns that, "devouring" the wealth of the orphan is a grave sin.

Give orphans their property, and do not substitute bad things for good. Do not assimilate their property into your own. Doing that is a serious crime. (Surat an-Nisa': 2)

Fearing Allah and His grievous punishment in the hereafter, believers carefully conserve the wealth of orphans until they reach intellectual maturity. When orphans grow old and mature enough to exercise rational and healthy judgement, believers hand over their property to them. The conditions of this are specified in the Qur'an as follows:

Keep a close check on orphans until they reach a marriageable age, then if you perceive that they have sound judgement hand over their property to them. Do not consume it extravagantly and precipitately before they come of age. Those who are wealthy should abstain from it altogether. Those who are poor should use it sensibly and correctly. When you hand over their property to them ensure that there are witnesses on their behalf. Allah suffices as a Reckoner. (Surat an-Nisa': 6)


ONE of the theory of evolution's important deceptions is its claim regarding "vestigial organs." Evolutionists claim that some organs in living things lose their original function over time, and that such organs then disappear. Taking that as a starting point, they then try to send out the message, "If the living body had really been created, it would have no functionless organs in it."

Evolutionist publications at the start of the twentieth century announced that the human body contained up to a hundred organs that no longer served any purpose, including the appendix, the coccyx, the tonsils, the pineal gland, the external ear, the thymus, and wisdom teeth. However, the decades that followed saw major advances in medical science. Our knowledge of the organs and systems in the human body increased. As a result of this, it was seen that the idea of vestigial organs was just a superstition. The long list drawn up by evolutionists rapidly shrank. It was discovered that the thymus is an organ which produces important immune system cells, and that the pineal gland is responsible for the production of important hormones. It also emerged that the coccyx supports the bones around the pelvis, and that the external ear plays an important role in identifying where sounds come from. In short, it emerged that ignorance was the only foundation on which the idea of "vestigial organs" rested.

Wisdom tooth problems stem from the contemporary diet, not because they are vestigial organs
Modern science has many times demonstrated the error of the concept of such organs. Yet some evolutionists still try to make use of this claim. Although medical science has proved that almost all of the organs that evolutionists claim are vestigial actually serve a purpose, evolutionary speculation still surrounds one or two organs.

The most noteworthy of these is our wisdom teeth. The claim that these teeth are a part of the human body that has lost all purpose still appears in evolutionist sources. As evidence for this, it is stated that these teeth give a great many people a lot of trouble, and that chewing is not impaired when they are surgically removed.

Many dentists, influenced by the evolutionists' claim that wisdom teeth serve no purpose, have come to see their extraction as a routine matter, and do not make the same kind of effort to protect them as they do for other teeth.53 However, research in recent years has shown that wisdom teeth have the same chewing function as other teeth. Studies have also been carried out to show that the belief that wisdom teeth damage the position of other teeth in the mouth is completely unfounded.54 Scientific criticism is now amassing ways in which problems with wisdom teeth which could be solved in other ways are instead solved by extracting them.55 In fact, the scientific consensus is that wisdom teeth have a chewing function just like all the others, and that there is no scientific justification for the belief that they serve no purpose.

So, why do wisdom teeth cause a substantial number of people problems? Scientists who have researched the subject have discovered that wisdom tooth difficulties have manifested themselves in different ways among human communities at different times. It is now understood that the problem was seldom seen in pre-industrial societies. It has been discovered that the way in which soft foodstuffs have come to be preferred to harder ones, over the last few hundred years in particular, has negatively affected the way the human jaw develops. It has thus been realised that most wisdom tooth troubles emerge as a result of jaw development problems relating to dietary habits.
It is also known that society's nutritional habits also have negative effects on our other teeth. For instance, the increasing consumption of foodstuffs high in sugar and acid has increased the rate that other teeth decay. However, that fact does not make us think that all our teeth have somehow "atrophied." The same principle applies to wisdom teeth. Problems with these teeth stem from contemporary dietary customs, not from any evolutionary "atrophy."

1. Leonard M.S., 1992. Removing third molars: a review for the general practitioner. Journal of the American Dental Association, 123(2):77-82
2. M. Leff, 1993. Hold on to your wisdom teeth. Consumer reports on Health, 5(8):4-85.
3. Daily.T 1996. Third molar prophylactic extraction: a review and analysis of the literature. General Dentistry, 44(4):310-320

The Hero Of An Unusual Birth Story: The Kangaroo

The reproductive system of kangaroos is quite different from that of other mammals. The kangaroo embryo goes through some stages outside the womb, which normally occur in the womb.
Soon after fertilization, the blind kangaroo offspring, which is approximately a centimeter, comes into the world. Usually, only one is born at a time. At this stage, it is called "neonate." While all mammals go through this stage in the mother's womb, the kangaroo offspring comes into the world when it is only one centimeter long. It has still not developed: its fore feet are indefinite and its hind feet are comprised of small projections.

No doubt, the offspring cannot leave its mother in such a state. Coming out of the womb, the neonate starts to move up in its mother's fur with its fore legs and reaches to its mother's pouch after a three-minute journey. To the little kangaroo, the pouch means the same as the womb means to other mammals. Yet, there is an important difference. While others come into the world as babies, the kangaroo is merely an embryo when it comes out of the womb. Its feet, face and many other organs have not yet taken their final shapes.

The offspring reaching the mother's pouch attaches itself to one of the four nipples there, and starts to suckle.

At this stage, the mother goes through another ovulation period and a new egg forms in its womb. The female copulates once more and the new egg is fertilized.

This time the egg does not start to develop immediately. If drought rages in Middle Australia, as is often the case, the fertilized egg in the womb remains undeveloped until the drought is over. If, however, heavy rains fall and if there are rich pastures available, then the development of the egg restarts.

At this stage, we are faced with the question: who makes this calculation; who arranges the development of the egg according to the conditions outside? The egg cannot by any means make this arrangement itself; it is not a complete living being, it has no consciousness, and it is totally unaware of the weather conditions outside. The mother cannot make this arrangement, because, like all other living things, it has no control over the developments taking place in its body. This extraordinary event is definitely controlled by God, Who has created both the egg and the mother.

When weather conditions are convenient, thirty-three days after fertilization, the new neonate, only as big as a bean, creeps up from the mouth of the womb and reaches the pouch just like its sibling did.

In the meantime, the first neonate in the pouch has grown considerably. It leads its life without doing any harm to its sibling, which is only one centimeter long. When it is 190 days old, it has grown mature enough to make its first journey outside the pouch. From then on, it starts to spend most of its time outside the pouch and leaves the pouch for good on the 235th day after its birth.

Soon after the birth of its second offspring, the female copulates again. Consequently, the female has three offspring all dependent on her. The first can feed on grass but occasionally comes back to its mother to suckle; the second younger offspring is still developing by suckling; the third is the neonate, which is the youngest.

What is more astonishing than that all three offspring, each in a different stage of development, are dependent on the mother, is that all three offspring are fed by different types of milk according to their sizes.

While the milk the offspring suckles as soon as it reaches the nipple in the pouch is transparent and colorless, it increasingly turns whiter and starts to look like real milk. The amount of fat and other ingredients in the milk increases in parallel with the development of the baby.

As this young one keeps on suckling the milk prepared for its own needs, a more easily digestible milk issues from the nipple that the second baby reaches. Thus, the body of the mother simultaneously produces two types of milk with different ingredients. When the third is born, the number of milk types produced with different ingredients becomes three: highly nutritious milk for the older, and relatively less fatty and nutritious types of milk for the younger. Another point to note here is that each offspring finds the nipple specially prepared for itself. Otherwise, it would suckle milk with an ingredient likely to be harmful to its body, and the milk it suckles would harm it.

This feeding system is very remarkable and it is obviously a special product of creation. The mother cannot, by any means, arrange all these consciously. How can an animal specify the ingredients of milk needed by its young of different sizes? Even if it did, how could it produce it in its own body? How could it distribute these through three different channels?

Doubtless, the kangaroo is not capable of doing any of these. It is not even aware that the milk delivered by its body is of three different types. This wonderful process is unquestionably an outcome of the created nature of this animal. world famous press agency Reuters, whose news reports serve 1 billion people every day, carried a story containing extracts from an interview with Adnan Oktar by Tom Heneghan, the agency’s senior religious correspondent based in its Paris office. Titled “Muslim Creationist Preaches Islam and Awaits Christ,” the report said: 

Harun Yahya is one of the most widely distributed authors in the Muslim world. … His glossy books and DVDs on religion and science sell in Islamic bookshops around the globe. He … lets readers download much of his work from his websites for free.

… Adnan Oktar -- the 52-year-old Turk behind the pseudonym Harun Yahya -- caught the attention of scientists and teachers in Europe and North America by mass-mailing them his 768-page "Atlas of Creation".

His lavishly illustrated book preaches a Muslim version of creationism…

Harun Yahya speaking during the interview with Reuters in Istanbul on 21 May, 2008. Yahya is one of the most widely read authors in the Muslim world. His glossy books and DVDs about religion and science are on sale at bookstores throughout the Islamic world and can be downloaded again and again over the Internet.

"Every academic I know says they've got one of those," retired University of Edinburgh natural history professor Aubrey Manning told the Glasgow Herald when "The Atlas" turned up in Scotland early this year. …

"This huge impact shows the influence of the book," the author, stylishly turned out in a white suit, red tie and clipped beard, said through an interpreter.

The controversy stirred up by "The Atlas" has turned the spotlight on a publishing empire that boasts about 260 books in 52 languages, over 80 DVDs and dozens of websites.

Well-illustrated and free of theological jargon, they preach that Islam is the one true faith and Darwinism, by undermining religious belief, has led to the discord, atheism, terrorism and extreme political ideologies plaguing the world.

… Oktar offers his works for free download, even the huge Atlas which in printed form sells for $99 on his website. His other printed books are standard size and sell at more modest prices. …


… Oktar says the "Atlas of Creation" campaign and Harun Yahya publishing empire are part of his religious vision of the end of the world in which he plays a role hinted at in his pseudonym.

Harun is Arabic for Aaron, the brother of Moses. Yahya is Arabic for John -- in this case, John the Baptist, he said.

"Harun was the helper of the prophet Moses. Yahya was also the helper of Jesus Christ," Oktar said. "When Jesus Christ comes to the world, we also would like to be helping him ... You might say this is a prayer for that."

Oktar said Koran verses and sayings of the Prophet Mohammed about the end of the world revealed Jesus would return soon as a Muslim to help Islam's savior, the Mahdi, defeat the Dajjal or Islamic Anti-Christ and establish Islam around the world.

"Our biggest project right now is to lay the grounds for the coming of Jesus Christ," he said. "We understand this is going to be in the next 20 to 25 years."

The idea of Jesus returning as a Muslim is standard Islamic teaching about the end of times. But Muslims normally stress the end times less than evangelical Christians do, and Oktar's focus on this has prompted rumors he thinks he is the ad, some people have thought I could be him... but in Islam it is forbidden for me to make such a claim."

Asked if he planned another enormous book like "The Atlas", Oktar said he would simply continue to turn out anti-Darwin books. "I am preparing a book about skulls," he said. "I show skull fossils as evidence that there was no evolution."

Harun Yahya’s book “The Skulls That Demolish Darwin,” referred to in the interview, can be read free of charge by clicking here.


European leaders have considered two facts very carefully: There will be no conflict between Islam and Christianity, and Islam has not allied itself with terrorism. Most European governmental leaders and prominent politicians have sent messages commending Islam and expressing their interest in its moral teachings. At the head of this list is Tony Blair, Prime Minister of Great Britain.

Blair says that he has read the Qur’an three times. His interest in Islam was reported in the Turkish press for the first time due to his remarks about giving alms.1 In later statements, he often mentioned his admiration for the Qur’an’s moral teaching.

On March 29, 2000, the BBC reported on Blair’s admiration for the Qur’an in a feature entitled “Blair: Qur’an Inspired Me.” He was reported to have said that Islam was a good and peaceful religion, that he owned two copies of the Qur’an, and that he was quite inspired by it:

If you read the Koran, it is so clear … the concept of love and fellowship as the guiding spirits of humanity. 2

Two or three days before the 9/11 attacks, the British newspaper The Mail on Sunday published an article in which Blair said that former US president Bill Clinton’s daughter had given him a copy of the Qur’an as a gift, that he had begun to read it, and that it gave him courage.3 After the attacks, Blair once again said in an interview on Al-Jazeera television that had read the Qur’an. He also added:

I read the message of the Koran, in so far as it can be translated. And I read about Islam and I enjoy doing that. And I think that I have learned things about the Koran that I never knew before and I think a lot of Christians would be interested. 4

Time Magazine called Blair a “long-time student of the Qur’an.”5 Blair knows the Qur’an well, and from the first day after the 9/11 attacks, he stressed in several speeches that Islam and Muslims had nothing to do with them. For example, he said:

Bin Laden is no more obedient to the proper teaching of the Koran, than those Crusaders of the 12th century who pillaged and murdered, represented the true teaching of the Gospel. I believe it is time the West confronted its ignorance of Islam. Jews and Muslims and Christians are all children of Abraham, and this is the moment to bring the faiths closer together, in understanding of our common values and heritage, a source of unity and strength. 6

As mentioned above, Prince Charles has a close connection with Islam. He first expressed this at Oxford in 1993. Since that time, he has had close relations with Muslims living in England and has attended many meetings and openings organized by Muslims. He also has expressed his admiration for Islam many times. At Wilson Park in 1996, he made his admiration for Islam clear, as well as the reasons for it. Stressing the following points, he stated:

I feel that we in the West could be helped to rediscover the roots of our own understanding by an appreciation of the Islamic tradition's deep respect for the timeless traditions of the natural order.... Modern materialism is unbalanced and increasingly damaging in its long-term consequences.... But during the past three centuries, in the Western world at least, a dangerous division has occurred in the way we perceive the world around us. Science has tried to assume a monopoly, even a tyranny, over our understanding. Religion and science have become separated... We are only now beginning to gauge the disastrous results... Science has done the inestimable service of showing us a world much more complex than we ever imagined. But in its modern, materialist, one-dimensional form, it cannot explain everything.... This [materialist] view is quite contrary, for example, to the outlook of the Muslim craftsman or artist, who is never concerned with display for its own sake, nor with progressing ever forward in his own ingenuity, but is content to submit a man's craft to God. That outlook reflects, I believe, the memorable passage in the Koran: "whithersoever you turn there is the face of God and God is all-Embracing, all-Knowing".... There are many ways in which mutual understanding and appreciation can be built. Perhaps, for instance, we could begin by having more Muslim teachers in British schools, or by encouraging exchanges of teachers. Everywhere in the world people want to learn English. But in the West, in turn, we need to be taught by Islamic teachers how to learn with our hearts, as well as our heads.7

Through the Prince Foundation, Prince Charles has sought to benefit Muslims. The Oxford Islamic Research Center, which began its activities in 1993, was founded with his sponsorship. The Visual Islamic and Traditional Arts department, which carries on its activities in conjunction with his foundation, works to provide, among other things, the sociological and economic means to support the traditions and cultures of British Muslims, cover the costs of education for Muslim children, and establish interreligious dialogue. Lately, through this section, the prince raised 10 million pounds for the Muslim Centre Project to be established in London.8

(Above) A report in the Muslim News relates Prince Charles' conversation with some Muslim young people whom he had received at Buckingham Palace.(Middle) The BBC reported, in "Prince joins Ramadan Ceremony." that Prince Charles visited a mosque and some Islamic schools in East London during Ramadan. (Below) In address at Wilton Park, the prince criticized materialism and said that Islam gave the best answer to the materialist point of view.    Commonsense Prince, The Prince visited a mosque, Price Charles: I won't have Islam belittled; Prince Charles has a good relationship with Muslims living in England, and often meets with them and listens to their problems.He often says that he is as much impressed by Islamic morality as he is by Islamic art. One of the most evident examples of this is the "Islamic garden" that he had constructed based completely on Islamic works of art.

Prince Charles is especially concerned with educating Muslim youth. In 2001, for the first time he invited Muslims to attend a Ramadan celebration in Buckingham Palace, and there expressed his thoughts on this matter to specially invited Muslim young people. The event was reported in The Muslim News in the following words:

He welcomed the "greater sensitivity and imagination" offered by Muslim youth, because without that "we will become so much more dry and sterile." Prince Charles acknowledged the diversity of the Muslim youth present: "You make up what I can only describe as a very rich tapestry that makes an enormous difference to the diversity and richness of our country. One of the things I have always tried to get across, which is not always easy, is that in a world which is increasingly secular, increasingly materialistic, it is absolutely essential for all those who believe and have faith in something greater than ourselves in something beyond the purely material, are remembered and celebrated."9

During this reception, he chatted with individual young Muslims about their needs for more than an hour, asking them if they encountered any difficulties in their education, careers, and the practice of Islam. Among other things, the prince was especially curious about whether young people understood the spirit of the Qur'an, if they had read it from cover to cover, if they had encountered any difficulties at school during Ramadan, and whether they were happy with the food offered by their schools for the iftar meal.10

We will leave you the land to live in after them. That is the reward of those who fear My station and fear My threat. 
(Surah Ibrahim, 14)

The interest shown by Prince Charles is certainly highly important. The change in the thinking of prominent statesmen on this matter is a huge step toward eradicating the false opinion that certain circles in the West have been trying to create about Islam. Clearly, a society whose leaders realize the beauty and superiority of Islamic morality will be able to approach Islam far more easily, and Muslims living in that society will enjoy more peaceful lives. For this reason, it is an important responsibility to ensure that prominent people receive accurate information about Islam. People familiar with Islam and its moral teachings, no matter what their position, certainly will share their impressions with others. If they are among the leaders of that particular society, both those who direct society and who address the masses will benefit from these impressions.

Therefore, when you read these descriptions, realize the extraordinary nature of these developments. In the Western world today, there is a growing rapprochement with Islam. Certainly this is good news for Muslims who work to show the proofs of God's Existence and Unity, defeat the prevailing materialist ideologies, and communicate true religion to others. Believers also are responsible for relating this good news to all Muslims.

1. Hurriyet (A Turkish Daily), January 11, 2001.
2. “Blair: Qur’an Inspired Me,” BBC News, March 29, 2000.

3. “Blair Kuran’a Merak Salmis,” (Blair Takes Interest in the Qur’an) Milliyet (A Turkish Daily), September 11, 2001.

4. Prime Minister Tony Blair’s Interview with Al-Jazeera, October 9, 2001.

5. “Travels With Tony,” Time, November 12, 2001.
6. “Tony Blair’s Finest Hour,” Australian Broadcasting Corporation, October 7, 2001.

7. "Prince Charls' Latest Speech on Islam,"
8. "Prince Joins Ramadan Ceremony," BBC News, November 23, 2001.
9. "Prince Charles Wins the Hearts of Muslim Youth," The Muslim News, February 22, 2002.

10. Ibid.3


Age: 95 million years

eriod: Cretaceous

Location: Haqel, Lebanon

According to Darwinists’ unscientific claims, plants, animals, fungi and bacteria all share a common origin. The 100 or so different animal phyla (basic taxonomic categories, such as mollusks, arthropods, worms and sponges) have all descended from one imaginary common ancestor. According to the theory, invertebrate organisms gradually (and by chance) turned into fish by acquiring a backbone; fish then turned into amphibians, amphibians into reptiles, some reptiles into birds and others into mammals. Again according to the theory, this transition encompassed a long period of time—hundreds of millions of years—and was carried forward in stages. That being the case, countless intermediate species should have emerged and existed during the long transition in question. Yet no sign of any such intermediate forms has ever been encountered in the fossil record. 

Like that 95-million-year-old catshark fossil pictured here, the fossil record shows that living things came into being fully formed with all their features, and survived unchanged for millions of years.

The remains of living things can be seen on both surfaces of this double-sided fossil.


He Who Brings About Both Laughter And Tears

That it is He Who brings about both laughter and tears. ( Surat an-Najm, 53:43)

Believers know that Allah creates whatever they experience and thus are pleased with Him in all circumstances, no matter how difficult. Knowing that mundane things are transitory, they do not grieve over any loss, for they know that their moral excellence will be fully rewarded in the Hereafter. Moreover, Allah promises believers the best life in this world.

This is surely not the case with unbelievers, who pursue only this life in the belief that they are fully independent from Allah. This mistaken belief, however, causes them to feel great pressure upon their souls. Constantly seeking to earn other peoples' approval and attain mundane goals makes them afraid and confused, for such attitudes force them to think about everything and consider every possibility. But human beings, who are feeble, cannot shoulder such a burden, for the human body and soul were created to put trust and faith in Allah. Indeed, this delusion is the cause of their wailing, grief, and trouble, for such people wrong themselves by turning away from Allah. Allah relates how He will repay them both in this world and the next, as follows:

Let them laugh little and weep much, in repayment for what they have earned. ( Surat at-Tawba, 82)

Allah punishes unbelievers through every incident and reason that causes them to weep. Meanwhile, He gives joy, happiness, peace, and tranquility to His believing servants, and makes them laugh constantly. He removes their sadness, for He is their friend and helper. Even if they face hardship and trouble, He gives them patience and strength and never causes them to despair. Believers only weep in prostration, over the awe they feel for our Lord's grandeur. Destined to have joy both in this world and the next, they experience the contentment related in the following verses:

As for those who believed and did right actions, they will be made joyful in a verdant meadow. ( Surat ar-Rum,15)

The Companions of the Garden are busy enjoying themselves today. (Surah Ya Sin, 55)

“My servants, you will feel no fear today; you will know no sorrow.” As for those who believed in Our Signs and became Muslims: “Enter the Garden, you and your spouses, delighting in your joy.” ( Surat az-Zukhruf,68-70)

The people who have consciousness of Allah will be in Gardens of Delight, savoring what their Lord has given them. Their Lord will safeguard them from the punishment of the Blazing Fire. ( Surat at-Tur, 17-18)

In the Hereafter, unbelievers and believers will be recognized and separated by their facial expressions. This distinction is described below, as follows:

That Day some faces will be radiant, laughing, rejoicing. That Day some faces will be dust-covered, overcast with gloom. Those are the dissolute unbelievers. (Surah ‘Abasa, 38-42)

Darwinist Dishonesty

There is no concrete fossil evidence to support the "ape-man" image, which is unceasingly promulgated by the media and evolutionist academic circles. With brushes in their hands, evolutionists produce imaginary creatures, yet the fact that these drawings have no matching fossils constitutes a serious problem for them. One of the interesting methods they employ to overcome this problem is to "produce" the fossils they cannot find. The Piltdown Man, the biggest scandal in the history of science, is a typical example of this method.

Adnan Oktar: When the Masonic lodges meet in England and mass decisions are taken, the effects of these can be felt by everyone. These things are the implementation of decisions taken as a result of lodge meetings. They are a joint implementation. These things are a joint decision taken by British and French lodges. They have the networks, organisations and systems in their hands implement these decisions. The Masonic Lodges are active in Turkey at the moment. There are currently 5000 Masons in Turkey. This is a restructuring of the left wing, communist element of the State within a State, the Ergenekon, that has been in existence for some time now. This is not a new structure. It may well be 100 years old by now. It goes right back to the time of Mustafa Suphi. The communist state within a state is on the constant look-out for opportunities to seize in Turkey. It has its own objective. They used to want to turn Turkey into a Marxist, communist state. However, they have recently had a change of heart, and now want to divide Turkey into two communist halves. They want a communist eastern Turkey and a communist western Turkey. They are determined to make these dreams a reality. The tremors affecting the government, the economy, and measures aimed at producing chaos and anarchy in society, all have their origins outside the country. One can see that when one investigates the matter.

To learn about the actual reasons why did Turkey and the world come to this point, watch the full interview with Mr.Adnan Oktar by Ihlas News Agency.


In this world of ours live many kinds of amazing creatures. In addition to the ants, honeybees, dogs, cats, flies, spiders, horses, chickens, seagulls, sparrows and other species we know so well, there are also many we have not yet encountered. In many parts of the globe, there are millions of kinds of living things which we have never heard of. Even if we learned their names, we would have nothing to which we could compare them. The subject of this book is an insect that most of us aren’t used to seeing in our environment. This insect is the termite, which resembles an ant in appearance and partially in the way it lives. Some people may be surprised to find a book entirely about termites. What, they may ask, is there to tell about these small insects? But as you will soon see, this little-known creature has characteristics that may open people’s minds to an entirely different horizon of ideas.


1-Darwinists never realize that homology is a superficial hypothesis based on no evidence and solely upon external appearances, that it has not been confirmed by any concrete findings ever since Darwin’s day, and that no fossils of the imaginary ancestors of living things with homologous structures that evolutionists claim to have existed have ever been encountered in any strata on Earth.

2-Darwinists never realize how electric eels, which live in conductive water and emit electric shocks powerful enough to kill a human being, need to have known how to take intelligent precautions to avoid being struck by that electricity themselves from the moment they first discharged electricity into that water.

3-In claiming that life is a battleground and that all species behave selfishly for the sake of their own interests, Darwinists never realize why it is that throughout the course of their lives honey bees produce many times more honey than they need.

4-Darwinists never realize how it is that as a group of shrimps stuns their prey using their clamps, producing a strong sound to drown out even the noise of a submarine, they remain unaffected by that noise themselves.

5-Darwinists never realize that in order to feed their offspring for a long time, hornets will paralyze a caterpillar rather than killing it, and that they need to have an almost surgical knowledge of medicine in order to administer exactly the right dose of venom at the right spot not to kill the caterpillar.

6-Darwinists never realize that in claiming that the strongest survive they also seek to justify the actions of the evil dictators such as Hitler, who slaughtered the sick and elderly.

7-Darwinists never realize how DNA, the data bank of the cell, functions just like a planning centre in a living thing, assuming the responsibilities of a large number of expert artists and scientists, such as architects, engineers, scent experts, botanists, interior designers, painters, doctors, and many more.

8-Darwinists never realize how, although the 200 or so different types of cell in the body possess basically the same mechanisms, they have very different tasks; for example, the extraordinary way in which a liver cell carries out 500 different chemical processes in a matter of milliseconds (one thousandth of a second), or that a heart cell produces electricity for a whole life time.

9-Darwinists never realize how there is a membrane known as the “periton” in the outer tissue of the stomach to protect it from friction caused by rubbing against the intestine as it carries out its digestive functions, and that the slippery fluid secreted by this membrane works as a kind of “external lubricant” for the stomach and intestines, thus protecting these organs from friction as they rub against one another.

10-Darwinists never realize how the heart pumps 8000 liters of blood a day, and how, even when adults are asleep, their hearts are able to pump 340 liters of blood an hour.