Lack of Quality Is Feeding the Conflicts in the Islamic World
Status of women: Today and tomorrow
Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have two occultations
Geneva Conference With The Attendance Of Mr. Adnan Oktar
The Spider's intelligent web-spinning techniques
Turkey is The Most Active Centre Of islamic Creationism
The glorious equilibrium in the Big Bang
Libraries for a step towards progress and advancement
Never Plead Ignorance of the Fact That Allah Commands Man to Conduct Himself Correctly
''EU’s future depends on its relations with Islam''
France has once again been rocked by Harun Yahya conferences || Fact of Creation
Natural History’s Spider Fantasy
Shun politics of fear
Hadiths, accounts and statements referring to ignorant scholars in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as)
Indifference towards refugees
Every day of the holy month is filled with merit, worthiness
More women for higher quality in politics
The Silent Massacre of Rohingya
Myanmar visit by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation
Atlas Of Creation' Stuns Us
Times of Israel: “The Muslim Leader who quotes the Torah”
Not a struggle against men or armies, but ideologies || Times of Oman
RAMADAN 2008 - THE 7th DAY