What He Said?What Happened?

January 11th, 2010: Kral Karadeniz TV and Ekin TV

Adnan Oktar: Sectarian differences makes no difference. Alawi, Sunni, Bektashi are all my life and soul. Don’t they all say Allah is one? Don’t they say La İlaha İllallah Muhammadan Rasulullah? Then that’s enough. Then cherish them, don’t hesitate. We will give great importance to art, science, beauty, respect, peace, being humane, understanding, depth. This is what Allah asks from us. This is what is in heaven as well.

Maraş Aksu TV and Kaçkar TV, 2 September 2010

Adnan Oktar: Some people, deviated by some ignorant people get goosebumps when they hear the names Shia, Ja’fari, Alawi, Bektashi, Wahhabi and they believe these groups consist of those who need to be killed. They use such a word of phrase for those people who are the lovers of Prophet, those pure servants of Allah who say “La ilaha İllAllah Muhammadan Reulullah.”  And they write these openly, make speeches this way, talk about these as if these are heroism. This is such a weird, ugly, wrong and shameful action.

An Alawi is a person who is full of love. They love animals, people. Look at the pictures of Hadji Bektash, there are various animals on his lap, he loves them, is a person of vigor. Look at Yunus Emre’s poetry, he always talks about love, beauties. What is happening to you? These should be a politics of explanation and education. I mean these ignorant people can sometimes direct other ignorant people too.

Çay Tv and Kahramanmaraş Aksu Tv:  January 7th, 2010

Adnan Oktar: Isn’t Ali Haydar, Haydar-ı Kerrar? Alawism is the other name of those who love Ashadullah, “the lion of Allah” The other name for the lovers of Allah is also Alawism. Alawism is the other name for the people of love, compassion. In that sense, whole Muslim world is Alawi. For me, the one who doesn’t like Hazrat Ali is not Muslim. So who doesn’t love Ali is not Muslim and who loves him is an Alawi anyway. Consequently, Alawi means the lover of Mahdi, the student of Mahdi. It means they are such blessed and honorable people. We are one single body with those who are Alawi and Sunni, one brother community. All of them are people who are more beautiful than the other. Bektashis are also people of love, their hearts are full of love for Allah.  Love for men, love for animals, plants. There are pictures of Hadji Bektash, with a gazelle and a lion on his lap. He is a person of love. Therefore, those who feel hatred for Alawis, Shia, Ja’faris, those who try to slaughter them like slicing up a vegetable are deviant people. If a person talks about slaughtering the pure servants of Allah, that person is sick. A normal Muslim would not say such a thing. Right? This is not the word of a balanced person. Therefore, such words cannot be taken seriously.


 June 18th, 2014: Vatan Newspaper

It is racism to call the Middle East a swamp

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan explained the brotherhood of Muslims at a group meeting of his party as:

We have never been a nation who creates discursion from the martyrdom of the grandson of the Prophet of mercy, Hazrat Husain. Whatever our attachment of sect would be, we have seen everyone who says “la ilaha illAllah” as Muslims, we have seen those who turn to the same Kiblah as our brother, placed them upon our hearts. Theirs is such an understanding of sects that when we say Omar, they go crazy. Saying Ali never makes us go crazy. On the contrary, we embrace them. We have Ali and Omar and Hassan, Husain. All of them are names within our family, which make us whole.