Mr. Adnan Oktar has been inviting all peoples, all races and people from all faiths to brotherhood, love and friendship with his interviews and books. After Mr. Oktar’s consistent efforts, people from Turkey and different parts of the world have begun to focus more on love and brotherhood. Mr. Oktar’s calls for love and brotherhood are very often recited by our government. Recently our Prime Minister Mr. Davutoglu said, “Our message is a single message; love, brotherhood and friendship” and emphasized that this is the solution to any corruption and mischief. March 21st, 2013: A9 TV ADNAN OKTAR: Allah concerns us. The Qur’an concerns us and the Islamic Union concerns us. Allah controls the whole world. If we are good, those who are on the wrong path cannot hurt us. Everything is progressing to the advantage of Islam and the Qur’an. Freedom, love, peace, brotherhood, goodness, assisting one another, good intentions, sincerity, kindness, fear and love of Allah, admiration for beautiful things, science, art, aesthetics; when we can have all of these we have Islam. This is our goal. This is what is wanted. We see that the government’s policy is like this as well. A9 TV, July 25th: 2011 ADNAN OKTAR: The moral values of Islam will prevail with kindness, peace and brotherhood. No blood will be spilled. All weapons will be put away. All the arms industries will finish. The world will have pace, safety and solidarity. Islam means “silm”, meaning peace. The world will become a land of peace. Everywhere there will be prosperity, peace and abundance. TASCA (TURK-ARAB FOUNDATION OF SCIENCE, CULTURE AND ART) INTERVIEW: November 21st, 2008 Adnan Oktar: In this Islamic Union, of course all countries will be separate. Pakistan will remain as Pakistan and Turkey will remain as Turkey. Iran will remain as Iran. So there is no change of regime. But enthusiasm, love, compassion and brotherhood will spread the whole as a national policy. IT IS A UNION THAT WILL BE ESTABLISHED WHEN HEARTS UNITE. This is the real Islamic Union: Islam has love as its basis as well as compassion, peace, ease of mind, joy. There is a spirit of holiday. There is friendship. Establishing these values among Muslim countries, TURKIC COUNTRIES. WITH THE LEADERSHIP OF TURKIC COUNTRIES AND THE LEADERSHIP OF TURKEY ESTABLISHING A TURKISH ISLAMIC UNION. Here there will be good will and sincerity will prevail. In terms of industry, science and technology all sorts of investments will be freely made and therefore we want the issuing of passports and visas to be handled. This obligation must be lifted so that we can trade freely and invest freely and exchange love and friendship with one another.
Saudi Arabia, Arab News Interview: January 10th, 2009 ADNAN OKTAR: We are all brothers. We are one. We are the heart of one another. We all love Allah. We are all devoted to our Prophet (saas). We all follow the Qur’an and the path of our Prophet (saas). Then why are these conflicts for? All Muslims love one another very much. They must respect one another and protect one another. They need to feel compassion. Greed, rage, grudges and anger do not suit a Muslim. Of course there will be things that we think differently about but these differences are not a means to conflict. These differences are our richness. A9 TV: September 25th, 2013 ADNAN OKTAR: There is a constant understanding of hatred for people. Hatred for Christians, Jews, communists or Armenians; there is no end to hatred. We cannot get anywhere with a policy of hatred. Live with love and see what you will lose. They don’t approach with love. Approach with compassion and mercy. Allah loves compassion and mercy. Love is the basic attribute of a Muslim. A9 TV: August 2nd, 2012 ADNAN OKTAR: Lack of love is a problem in the Muslim world. Lack of love is a problem in the world. They have tendency to fight and quarrel. People like cursing and beating people up. They like injuring others. Most of them like killing people. They like guns. They like cutting and threatening other but when it comes to love, they are afar. However the purpose of the creation of the universe is love. The real purpose of Paradise is love. Allah’s real purpose is love as the basis. For people there could be many reasons for lovelessness and a lot of logic behind it. October 3rd, 2012: A9 TV ADNAN OKTAR: Let’s abandon this policy of hatred. Let’s condemn those who write hateful articles. Let’s condemn those who say hateful words. Let’s encourage love instead of hatred all the time. If hateful people are condemned every day by everyone they will lose heart. Condemn them every day. Let’s do this as an act of worship for the sake of Allah. You can say, “Leave being hateful and speak with love.” You can say, “You wrote a hateful article. Write a loving one.” You can say, “Tomorrow write a loving article.” You can say, “Your speech in the evening was hateful, make it loving.” Always encourage for love. EVERYWHERE LET’S SAY, “YES TO LOVE, NO TO HATRED.” LET’S START A CAMPAIGN. ONLY “YES TO LOVE, NOT TO HATRED.” |