(Excerpts from live conversation on A9 TV, June 10-13, 2012)
The World Talks About Turkey
Adnan Oktar’s meeting with the famous actor || Steven Seagal
Israeli Nationalists Thank Adnan Oktar for his Friendship
Comments of Mr Adnan Oktar
About Adnan Oktar"s intellectual Struggle
Mr. Adnan Oktar describes Khidr's (as) superior knowledge and his work in the End Times -1-
Letters of Appreciation from Israeli Government Officials Thanking Mr. Adnan Oktar for His Contribution to Turkey-Israeli Friendship
Photos from the meeting of Mr. Adnan Oktar with the Israeli delegation (May 11th, 2011)
Enthusiasm to talk about Islam gives people liveliness
The Express Tribune Remarks About The Impact Of Mr. Adnan Oktar"s Works In Pakistan
Dawkins is aware that he was defeated; He is presenting excuses not to meet with Mr. Adnan Oktar
New Statements by Mr. Adnan Oktar (4 August 2016)
New Statements by Mr. Adnan Oktar (11 December 2015)
Pictures from the meeting of Mr. Adnan Oktar and the Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau, 18 October, 2011, Istanbul
New Statements by Mr. Adnan Oktar (5 October 2016)
Interview With Mr Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)
New Statements by Mr. Adnan Oktar (13 June 2016)
New Statements by Mr. Adnan Oktar (20 October 2016)
Interview with Mr Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)
New Statements by Mr. Adnan Oktar (19 January 2016)
The Turkish Creationist Adnan Oktar States In His Atlas Of Creation That Darwinism Is The Source Of Terrorism
It is unacceptable not to speak of the system of the Mahdi when the activities of the system of the dajjal are talked about every day
Iqna's interview With Mr. Adnan Oktar
New Statements by Mr. Adnan Oktar (29 October 2016)
The miracle of talking birds